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stealth rock switch bug


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i have 2 poke left

really low gyarados and poisoned celebi with stealth rock trap

i switch my gyarados to let celebi cure it self with natural cure but died because of stealth rock

but when i choose gyarados it spawn twice then died because stealth rock..

and i switch to celebi..

then the game become "please wait..."


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welcome to the club friend.

This bug is well knows by me. I coulnd't manage to reproduce it yet, but it happaned 4 times to me so far.

You have 2 options. log out and take the loss or be more presistent than your opponent and outlast him in the attrition game.

Considering your screenshot i'd advice you to just quit.

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Guest SugarRed9

I've been recording all of my pvp matches hoping to get footage of this bug for the admins o/ hope this gets fixed soon^^

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