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Xaphiar's Shop [Services, Pvp pokes, Shiny pokes, Pokes] New: Shiny Umbreon & epic pvp rdy Pokes!

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Re: WTS Shiny Umbreon and other pvp rdy Epic Pokes!


<r><QUOTE author="bushez"><s>

</s><POST content="286436"><s></s>286436<e></e></POST> This post doesn't belong into this forum, it belongs in personal shops.<br/>

Not to mention you're selling shinies..<e>


Ok lets see. <br/>

This post where I sell shinies and pokes doesn't belong into the thread selling pokes?<br/>

Its also time bound so would I countdown a personal shop.</r>

Re: WTS Shiny Umbreon and other pvp rdy Epic Pokes!


<r><QUOTE author="shay3100"><s>

</s><POST content="286386"><s></s>286386<e></e></POST> I call insta for lanturn.<e>

Ok let me now when ur online.</r>

Re: WTS Shiny Umbreon and other pvp rdy Epic Pokes!


<r><QUOTE author="Xaphiar"><s>

</s><POST content="286581"><s></s>286581<e></e></POST> <QUOTE author="shay3100"><s>
</s><POST content="286386"><s></s>286386<e></e></POST> I call insta for lanturn.<e>

Ok let me now when ur online.<e>


im ingame. but leaving soon</r>

Big thanks to Auras for that sig!



Re: WTS Shiny Umbreon and other pvp rdy Epic Pokes!


<r><QUOTE author="shay3100"><s>

</s><POST content="286582"><s></s>286582<e></e></POST> shay3100<e>

Pm me ingame then.</r>

Re: Xaphiar's Shop [services, Pvp pokes, Shiny pokes, Pokes] New: Reopened!



</s><QUOTE author="Xaphiar"><s>

</s><SIZE size="100"><s></s><GLOW glow="red"><s>[glow=red]</s>XAPHIAR'S SHOP<e>[/glow]</e></GLOW><e></e></SIZE><e>

Hey, I merged both of your topics into one, as the "Selling Pokemon" Subtopic only applies for 4 Pokemon or below. <br/>

If you should open another thread in "Selling" in the future, make sure that you are staying below 5 - otherwise add them to your shop. <E>:Smile:</E><br/>


<QUOTE author="bushez"><s>


Not to mention you're selling shinies..<e>


Shinies can be in your Personal Shop, just not standing alone in one "Shop"/"Selling", as then they have to go to <URL url="https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewforum.php?f=93"><s></s>Shiny Pokemon<e></e></URL>.<e>


[glow=#ff006e]F  u  t  u [/glow][glow=#5a1348]r   e  [/glow][glow=#4d5a8e]  C  l [/glow][glow=#40a1d3]u b[/glow]


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Re: Xaphiar's Shop [services, Pvp pokes, Shiny pokes, Pokes] New: Reopened!


<r><QUOTE author="Xaphiar"><s>

</s><QUOTE author="bushez"><s>
</s><POST content="286436"><s></s>286436<e></e></POST> This post doesn't belong into this forum, it belongs in personal shops.<br/>

Not to mention you're selling shinies..<e>


Ok lets see. <br/>

This post where I sell shinies and pokes doesn't belong into the thread selling pokes?<br/>

Its also time bound so would I countdown a personal shop.<e>


Did you even read the rules?<br/>

More than 4 pokes in one thread - not in this forum.<br/>

It was just a friendly reminder so u could ask a mod to move this, but u proved urself to be either very stupid, as the rules thread is very easy to read and understand, or just posting with no care about the rules and then even arguing about them.</r>

Re: Xaphiar's Shop [services, Pvp pokes, Shiny pokes, Pokes] New: Reopened!


<r><QUOTE author="bushez"><s>

</s><POST content="286943"><s></s>286943<e></e></POST> <QUOTE author="Xaphiar"><s>
</s><QUOTE author="bushez"><s>
</s><POST content="286436"><s></s>286436<e></e></POST> This post doesn't belong into this forum, it belongs in personal shops.<br/>

Not to mention you're selling shinies..<e>


Ok lets see. <br/>

This post where I sell shinies and pokes doesn't belong into the thread selling pokes?<br/>

Its also time bound so would I countdown a personal shop.<e>


Did you even read the rules?<br/>

More than 4 pokes in one thread - not in this forum.<br/>

It was just a friendly reminder so u could ask a mod to move this, but u proved urself to be either very stupid, as the rules thread is very easy to read and understand, or just posting with no care about the rules and then even arguing about them.<e>


Well I wasn't obviously familiar with the rules. <br/>

Yours certainly isn't a ''friendly'' reminder. <br/>

Btw if u plan to be a future staff member, calling players stupid isn't the way forward. <br/>

Now since a MOD fixed this.<br/>

Can you get out of my shop?</r>

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