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Re: Boh Shop: Epic/God Pokes and other /Razor Fang 150k


<r><QUOTE author="Jausee"><s>

</s><POST content="294265"><s></s>294265<e></e></POST> 500k bagon<br/>

350k phanphy<br/>

1m1 starmie<br/>

350k gible<e>


Bagon and Starmie setted as start bid, for the others i need a bit more to start.<br/>

Auction for Bagon and Starmie will end 48h from now.</r>

Re: Boh Shop: God/Epic PvP Pokes and other /Razor Fang 150k


<r><QUOTE author="Divinity9999"><s>

</s><POST content="294001"><s></s>294001<e></e></POST> <QUOTE author="EthanBlue"><s>
</s><POST content="293148"><s></s>293148<e></e></POST> Is razor fang available yet? For kanto. <br/>


Thank you<e>


Sorry, i didn't read, i have the fang if you need just tell me.<br/>


Big Update with epic pokes.<e>



Yes I'm still here, where and how the trade works? It's the first time for me, so I'm asking.</r>

Re: Boh Shop: God/Epic PvP Pokes and other /Razor Fang 150k


<r><QUOTE author="Gastomu"><s>

</s>Sneasel: imgur.com/a/P1q1V (350k)<br/>

Deino: imgur.com/a/hK9SA (300k)<e>


You posted 2 times the same offer btw Sneasel setted start bid 350k , Auction end 48h from now.<br/>


<QUOTE author="WHatdesu"><s>

</s><POST content="295023"><s></s>295023<e></e></POST> 400k lvl 19 deino<e>

Deino bid setted to 400k, Auction end 48h from now.<br/>


New c.o for Bagon 720k by Nhokbe116.</r>

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