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Donator Member Group


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Donating give you the Membership bonuses and all that comes with it. How can this be possibly useless ?

Even the 100c can give you few cosmetic items. So i don't know what do you mean by

41011 yes it is lol, you're putting money into something & getting nothing in return besides a cliche user bar on the forums. at least other games when you donate, or invest any kind of money into it, you actually get something out whether it be something that benefits you in the game, or something as measly as a unique in game cosmetic.

I don't care about the user bar on forum, if i donated, it's for the memberships bonuses, that's all, and i think it's the same for a majority here.

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41021 Donating give you the Membership bonuses and all that comes with it. How can this be possibly useless ?

Even the 100c can give you few cosmetic items. So i don't know what do you mean by

41011 yes it is lol, you're putting money into something & getting nothing in return besides a cliche user bar on the forums. at least other games when you donate, or invest any kind of money into it, you actually get something out whether it be something that benefits you in the game, or something as measly as a unique in game cosmetic.

I don't care about the user bar on forum, if i donated, it's for the memberships bonuses, that's all, and i think it's the same for a majority here.


you mean the membership bonuses that you can get for free by just playing the game & using pokedollars? so cool ~

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what is honestly encouraging me to donate any of my hard earned money? absolutely nothing, & all this seems like is the administration (or whoever) is playing off the simple minded majority that will donate purely to have "donator" under their username to have some kind of sense of "status", like wow. lol


You DO you get stuff for donating... you get coins which you can spend on either membership to help you advance in the game, mounts, or other cosmetics to change ur appearance...


except according to the FAQ this isn't guaranteed, which is what i was basing my stance off of. if that's the case then the FAQ needs to be updated if they ever expect to encourage a player like myself to donate. (not implying i would because i can get these exact same things by spending in game money, which you don't need to spend real world money for, so it's still a waste imo)

41011yes it is lol, you're putting money into something & getting nothing in return

Game/forum maintenance and upgrades aren't "nothing" though, actually I don't expect anything but that from my donations. Anything else I'm given, like perks, is just a bonus.


then what is all the money they accumulate from membership fees going to? just seems like to me they're trying to money grub at any opportunity they can that's short of outraging the entire community, & what about that exactly is encouraging me to donate? nothing, especially since as i said in response to the above quote i can get the exact same things they offer you by donating, by spending in game money, which you don't need to spend real world money for lol



1. I think the FAQ is a typo or just bad wording. I've donated SEVERAL times and always got the donations coins. I think what the FAQ meant is that there is a chance for delay on receiving the coins.

2. Do you think it's free to create a game. There are costs of host servers and currently the game gets full a lot and also crashes a lot. With more money, they can get better host and more servers. Plus, there was a lot of developer hours going into making this game. Time is money my friend.

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41023 you mean the membership bonuses that you can get for free by just playing the game & using pokedollars? so cool ~


If you think that way, yea of course, we can get everything with pokedollars.

But what happens if everyone thinks like you ? Who would sell you an Axew MS only ? Santa ?

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410072. It may encourage others to donate more which will help out the PRO community in the end.
But do you think it's really necessary to divide the community simply to accomplish this? There are better ways to promote donations.
Well sure there are other ways to promote but look at my first point. I don't mind it and actually like it. Having a donator tag is much more appealing than having a half star.
I'd rather have half a star, personally. At least I earned it with activity.

then what is all the money they accumulate from membership fees going to? just seems like to me they're trying to money grub at any opportunity they can that's short of outraging the entire community, & what about that exactly is encouraging me to donate? nothing, especially since as i said in response to the above quote i can get the exact same things they offer you by donating, by spending in game money, which you don't need to spend real world money for lol
I know cynicism is in your nature, but not everyone thinks that way, and you can't understand altruism if you don't temporarily step out of a cynical frame of mind. As long as the money isn't spent on anything but the game and forum, I don't care how much of it is saved up. I choose to spend real money because if everyone pays with in-game money on a donation-supported game, then eventually the money runs out. Donators are the reason you have the luxury of buying donation items with in-game money instead of spending your real life money.
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You DO you get stuff for donating... you get coins which you can spend on either membership to help you advance in the game, mounts, or other cosmetics to change ur appearance...


except according to the FAQ this isn't guaranteed, which is what i was basing my stance off of. if that's the case then the FAQ needs to be updated if they ever expect to encourage a player like myself to donate. (not implying i would because i can get these exact same things by spending in game money, which you don't need to spend real world money for, so it's still a waste imo)


Game/forum maintenance and upgrades aren't "nothing" though, actually I don't expect anything but that from my donations. Anything else I'm given, like perks, is just a bonus.


then what is all the money they accumulate from membership fees going to? just seems like to me they're trying to money grub at any opportunity they can that's short of outraging the entire community, & what about that exactly is encouraging me to donate? nothing, especially since as i said in response to the above quote i can get the exact same things they offer you by donating, by spending in game money, which you don't need to spend real world money for lol



1. I think the FAQ is a typo or just bad wording. I've donated SEVERAL times and always got the donations coins. I think what the FAQ meant is that there is a chance for delay on receiving the coins.

2. Do you think it's free to create a game. There are costs of host servers and currently the game gets full a lot and also crashes a lot. With more money, they can get better host and more servers. Plus, there was a lot of developer hours going into making this game. Time is money my friend.


uh huh, except they're already charging 5$ a month for membership, what is that money going to then? lol like i said, it is as if they're trying to money grub at any chance that's short of outraging the entire player base. what is even the point of these donation bonuses when like i've stated repeatedly now, you can just obtain for free by playing the game & using the in game currency to purchase them? it is almost like none of you realize this game is pay to win, which allows players to be able to sell their "benefits" to other players for in game currency.


what is even the point of the membership if everyone is so fixated on donations? there is another particular mmo that is easily a larger pokemon based mmo than this one & their servers run entirely on donation funds, & selling things like "reward points" or as this game calls "coins" for real world money, which i am pretty sure this game also already does.


so i'm still not convinced lol

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I don't care, i liked the stars but they took the title that you have depending on your stars so its the same, it piss me off the fact that I made some post with problems or bugs and no replys/ no help. Still got buged this section: "Total posts: | Show your posts | Search your topics"


That's why i think that there are more important things than the fact of having sign or not.





giphy.gifSometimes life is not what you expect... What really matters is to enjoy the little things...

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