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Motivation to farm.


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Guest lampshadejaz
289604 I honestly just wanna see , what you guys think of the grind...

edit- ive been farming tynamos for like a week xd ive found many but all [Edited out.] . I can take the pain but most people wont.


Farm with your brain, not your emotions. Ask yourself, what am I farming here? Am I farming only 1 type of rare pokemon this location? Is that efficient? Or is there a way I can farm multiple types of rare poke that are the same nature in one location? Even if they're not what I need, I could sell them and make cash to buy what I need. For example, I have a sun team. I spent a butt load of time in Cinnabar farming Timid HA Vulpix and Timid HA Charmanders. I get a lot more bang for my buck when farming TWO rare HA poke than when farming only 1 (Gible for example, which are only available night in one location...). I do want an epic Garchomp on my team, but does that mean I'm on the Moon at night farming GIble? Hell no that'll take way too long. I'm saving up my cash to buy a really good one. Farming it locations where it's better bang for buck. Just make sure you're valuing your time correctly when farming. Try to kill two birds with one stone.

290577 Honestly this has to be the easiest game to grind EVER. It might as well get harder to increase challenge, what do you think about it Shane? ;)


You obviously haven't played MMO's like Lineage where you had to grind 3 months for an armor piece which wasn't even the Epic Grade Armor (it was called R9 armor back to when i was playing)....


Don't make OP and his friends rage quit!

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290577 Honestly this has to be the easiest game to grind EVER. It might as well get harder to increase challenge, what do you think about it Shane? ;)


You obviously haven't played MMO's like Lineage where you had to grind 3 months for an armor piece which wasn't even the Epic Grade Armor (it was called R9 armor back to when i was playing)....


Don't make OP and his friends rage quit!


Honestly not my intention but all this whining man...ugh...it's not even hard like forreal...I believe y'all more bored than actually "unlucky" or "hard farming people whose efforts don't get rewarded".

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Took me 4-5month to get a decent h.a corphish , i literrally mean decent , and i have to keep farming it to get one with at least 26ivs speed ,tbh i have probably seen more than 200-300 of them , don't gimme the bs story of other mmo are easier to grind , PRO is about luck, like pure luck , that"'s all .


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It helps to have more then 1 screen, so you can watch anime or something meanwhile you grind, something along those lines.


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290548 thing is in other mmos even if it takes ages to farm a good ''item'' every second you spend counts even if your reward is rly small . in PRO you might hunt for like 3 hours and get 0 pokes you want = 0 reward . that makes the hunting sucks and feel like total waste of time discouraging you to continue.


i understand how you feel man yesterday i was at burned tower searching for a magmar i spent a total of 7 hours looking for at least one (my love for magmar was to strong) i didn't find any tbh and what made it worst i had two pokemons on me lvl 51 crobat and a lvl 29 croconaw and during those 8 hrs i ran into a chatot which i thought it would be worth to catch because not to many people have it i was able to cut it down to 1hp right.......i had 12 pokeballs (2 greats and the rest normal balls) i still could not catch it like what the heck man so i am out of pokeballs and chatot only has 1 hp left so i raged and wanted to kill it but i ended up getting wrecked so bad idk what happened it is so messed up i don't even know if the grind is even worth :Nervous: :Angry: :Cry: R.I.P magmar






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guys...as i said few days ago, i would like to see here on PRO "mini evens" about "types of week":


week 1 - the rate of dragons and water types has been increased by 10% ( 10% isn't the rate, will be 10% relative to original rate...)

week 2 - fire and grass type...


but, this event is only for extremely rare and rare pokemons, obviously

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292370 guys...as i said few days ago, i would like to see here on PRO "mini evens" about "types of week":


week 1 - the rate of dragons and water types has been increased by 10% ( 10% isn't the rate, will be 10% relative to original rate...)

week 2 - fire and grass type...


but, this event is only for extremely rare and rare pokemons, obviously

Too much effort for the staff unless they can find a way to automatize the process. Quite unnecessary too in my opinion, no offense.

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