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290816 How i get an eevee without buy it in johto and it has the nature that i want ?



Thats the dex entry for eevee's. Safari is my recommended place. Hope this helps.

290816 The sync works with the bosses ??


Sync unfortunately do not work with boses.



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290822 i believe that how we need to get 8 eevees, the game master gift us other eevee in the house bill in goldenrod city, similar like bill gift eevees in original games


What do you mean? Sorry I'm not fully understanding you.



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We have to get 8 eevees to evolved it to get an item in vermilion city, i was suggesting that the game master gift us 2 of the 8 eevees that we need. Actually only gift 1 in celadon city, and i am suggesting if the game master could codify that we can get other gift eevee in johto, specially in goldenrod city inthe house bill in that city

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290825 We have to get 8 eevees to evolved it to get an item in vermilion city, i was suggesting that the game master gift us 2 of the 8 eevees that we need. Actually only gift 1 in celadon city, and i am suggesting if the game master could codify that we can get other gift eevee in johto, specially in goldenrod city inthe house bill in that city


You could easily catch some eevee's than evolve them to your desired evolution. I don't see why they need to gift you eevee's?



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290827 I say because in johto, i only can found one later of the sage boss.


Another option could be, to add this in the zafari zone johto

You cannot go back to Vermilion and get that item from the Eeveelutions' man as long as you don't defeat the 8th Johto Gym Leader, anyway, then why do you need Eevees from Johto if you can simply walk over to the Kanto Safari and get plenty of them there ?

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Guest SugarRed9
290833 Kanto Safari and get plenty of them there ?


Exactly, took the words right out of my mouth :Smile:

To be fair, the description Safari Area 3 for the map Eevee is on is not specific. Maybe renaming it Kanto Safari Area 3 would help players out more^^

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