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Should there be discipline action for report threats?


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I have been experiencing this once in a while, some random player comes in and just pm me "reported", and just leaves the chat. Sometime I don't even know the player, nor do I know why he's saying that(sometimes there are disagreements on trades and etc.). I don't think he ever actually reports either(I don't know if the reports ever happen, but I never got banned/muted or anything). The point is, I do not like the idea of having someone just come in and be able to make report threats like that(for non violations of course). I don't think it's even legit to report them as "false accusation" if they never ever actually report me in the first place. They can just come in and say stuff like that, which is enough to make it a very bad day (at least for me), and get away with that?


Please tell me that this report threats is a reportable action, or if there's anything that can punish those players for this.

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I believe it is punishable, and staff are usually smart enough to find out these false accusations. Usually they contain little proof, or obvious trolls. Theres nothing really to fear unless you know you've done something wrong. Other than that, I think you should be fine.



Server: Silver



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Guest SugarRed9

Don't worry about it too much. On Our server we have a plague of people harassing other on alts accounts because they are too cowardly to do so on their mains. Tbh I really wouldn't worry about it too much n.n

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I believe it is punishable, and staff are usually smart enough to find out these false accusations. Usually they contain little proof, or obvious trolls. Theres nothing really to fear unless you know you've done something wrong. Other than that, I think you should be fine.


Yea, I have no doubt that if they actually do report, the staff will be able to tell its false accusation. But the point is they just come in say that to you just to make you feel really really bad then doesn't actually report, which is why I doubt if it's even legit to say they are doing false accusation. And it's not swearing, so you can't report them for that. It's like making you eat a fly, it doesn't actually hurt you, just really really annoying and disgusting.

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293976 Yea, I have no doubt that if they actually do report, the staff will be able to tell its false accusation. But the point is they just come in say that to you just to make you feel really really bad then doesn't actually report, which is why I doubt if it's even legit to say they are doing false accusation. And it's not swearing, so you can't report them for that. It's like making you eat a fly, it doesn't actually hurt you, just really really annoying and disgusting.


Yeah, I just recommend /ignore the player, and try to let go of it.



Server: Silver



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Unless you have actually done anything wrong yourself, i wouldnt worry about it. If you wish to screenshot their message and report we can warn the user but just pming people saying reported is an offence worthy of only a warning, nothing more. Again, you can just ignore this if you havent done anything wrong nothing will happen to your account as they need to provide evidence for their report to be actioned, and if your nose is clean they wont have that to provide.


As stated in an above comment, if this is a recurring thing from the same user feel free to log a harassment report and it will be dealt with accordingly, however please note one pm "reported" does not constitute harassment (have had that in the past - wont be dealt with the same way as a harassment case).


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^ exactly what I thought, not much I can do about it besides "let it go". It needs to be dealt more seriously though, for someone that value personal integrity more than anything, this threat/accusation is worse than swearing to me. I know people who pm "report" to anything they think is over-priced in trade chat for "scamming", and that is a lot worse than swearing. Because in order to make a context for one to swear, the other party's gotta did something that's worth swearing at; where as in my case, people who I don't even know and have never dealt with starts doing that. It's worse than swearing, needs more legit punishment than just a "warning".

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294272 ^ exactly what I thought, not much I can do about it besides "let it go". It needs to be dealt more seriously though, for someone that value personal integrity more than anything, this threat/accusation is worse than swearing to me. I know people who pm "report" to anything they think is over-priced in trade chat for "scamming", and that is a lot worse than swearing. Because in order to make a context for one to swear, the other party's gotta did something that's worth swearing at; where as in my case, people who I don't even know and have never dealt with starts doing that. It's worse than swearing, needs more legit punishment than just a "warning".


Contrary to some people's opinions, we try our best to not come across as "Nazi Mods". If you really think we should quietban/temp ban etc for one PM out of the blue, what do you think people are going to start to think about us? I'm sorry that you feel personally offended by one PM. You always have the option to click social and switch from online to appear offline if you don't want to receive PMs. Then, you can come online only when you need to PM.


As Lunestra said above, if it turns into multiple PMs keep screenshots of all of them and then present it as one harassment case. This definitely is punishable.


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Contrary to some people's opinions, we try our best to not come across as "Nazi Mods". If you really think we should quietban/temp ban etc for one PM out of the blue, what do you think people are going to start to think about us? I'm sorry that you feel personally offended by one PM. You always have the option to click social and switch from online to appear offline if you don't want to receive PMs. Then, you can come online only when you need to PM.


As Lunestra said above, if it turns into multiple PMs keep screenshots of all of them and then present it as one harassment case. This definitely is punishable.


hmm, so plz don't ban me in the future when I start swearing at the people who report threats me. :thanks:

The reason being, if they come out of the blue and report threats, there's nothing I can do based on what you are saying except for disabling chat and make myself feel better. So I make myself feel better by swearing at them.

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