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Re: NEW GUILD ILLUSION RECRUITING {Blue Server}-{Fun events upcoming}


<r><QUOTE author="han1996"><s>

</s><POST content="295873"><s></s>295873<e></e></POST> <QUOTE author="Simson13"><s>
</s><POST content="295869"><s></s>295869<e></e></POST> 1.ing(simson13/play hours 700+)<br/>

2.had all badge from game<br/>

3.i want to join this guild, because it look fun and my old buddy is here, and want to make more friend.<br/>

4.i have discord, so don't worry<br/>

5.my favorite pokemon is mew<br/>

6.and yes, i will try my best to be active on both(game and discord<br/>





Heyyy simson thanks for applying and ill pm you in game <E>:Grin:</E> <E>:Heart:</E><e>



got it, ty han</r>

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Re: NEW GUILD ILLUSION RECRUITING {Blue Server}-{Fun events upcoming}


<t>1. Dobby90<br/>

2. 24 badges 425hrs<br/>

3. Wanted change from guild i was in and this guild sounds interesting <br/>

4. Yes<br/>

5. Scizor :) <br/>

6. Most of the time</t>

Re: NEW GUILD ILLUSION RECRUITING {Blue Server}-{Fun events upcoming}


<r><QUOTE author="dobby90"><s>

</s><POST content="295877"><s></s>295877<e></e></POST> 1. Dobby90<br/>

2. 24 badges 425hrs<br/>

3. Wanted change from guild i was in and this guild sounds interesting <br/>

4. Yes<br/>

5. Scizor :) <br/>

6. Most of the time<e>



hi dobby and thank you for applying ^^ I'll pm you in game</r>

Re: NEW GUILD ILLUSION RECRUITING {Blue Server}-{Fun events upcoming}


<r><COLOR color="#00BFFF"><s></s><B><s></s>Hi Han xd<br/>


1. My IGN is Markenshi<br/>

2. I have all 24 badges & have about 160 hrs <br/>

3. I want to join "Illusion" because being in a guild is fun, as in Playing with others and doing fun events & stuff as a team :o<br/>

4. Yes, I have discord already<br/>

5. My favorite poke is ofc Goomy :p<br/>

6. Yes, I can be active in both @ the same time<br/>


Later bud :p !<e></e></B><e></e></COLOR></r>

Re: NEW GUILD ILLUSION RECRUITING {Blue Server}-{Fun events upcoming}


<r><QUOTE author="MarKenshi"><s>

</s><POST content="295894"><s></s>295894<e></e></POST> <COLOR color="#00BFFF"><s></s><B><s></s>Hi Han xd<br/>


1. My IGN is Markenshi<br/>

2. I have all 24 badges & have about 160 hrs <br/>

3. I want to join "Illusion" because being in a guild is fun, as in Playing with others and doing fun events & stuff as a team :o<br/>

4. Yes, I have discord already<br/>

5. My favorite poke is ofc Goomy :p<br/>

6. Yes, I can be active in both @ the same time<br/>


Later bud :p !<e></e></B><e></e></COLOR><e>



Hey mark^^ thank you for applying for the guild^^ I'll pm you in game<br/>

<E>:Grin:</E> <E>:Grin:</E></r>

Re: NEW GUILD ILLUSION RECRUITING {Blue Server}-{Fun events upcoming}


<t>Hi Illusion ... <br/>

Im Jugos (i love to be crative and il make my own personal intreducing)<br/>

I have 16 badge's and im about 115 hr's in game.I wont to join "ILLUSION" bc i think that is creative name for guild and i love being creative <br/>

so yeah that's why im writing this now :P :D :) (no it isn't but who cares ;) :D lol )<br/>

i have discord but i can't remember my pass... i'll try to remember<br/>

My favorite pokemon whel... it has to be Luxray ... tanky one... <br/>

Multitasking is my other name :D hahah <br/>

L0L i hope u like my answers !! See u soon Han !! :D :)</t>

Re: NEW GUILD ILLUSION RECRUITING {Blue Server}-{Fun events upcoming}


<r><QUOTE author="Jugos"><s>

</s><POST content="295906"><s></s>295906<e></e></POST> Hi Illusion ... <br/>

Im Jugos (i love to be crative and il make my own personal intreducing)<br/>

I have 16 badge's and im about 115 hr's in game.I wont to join "ILLUSION" bc i think that is creative name for guild and i love being creative <br/>

so yeah that's why im writing this now :P :D :) (no it isn't but who cares ;) :D lol )<br/>

i have discord but i can't remember my pass... i'll try to remember<br/>

My favorite pokemon whel... it has to be Luxray ... tanky one... <br/>

Multitasking is my other name :D hahah <br/>

L0L i hope u like my answers !! See u soon Han !! :D :)<e>



Hey jugos thank you for applying^^ I'll pm you in game and i hope you have a lot of fun in our guild <E>:Grin:</E> <E>:Grin:</E> <E>:Grin:</E></r>

Re: NEW GUILD ILLUSION RECRUITING {Blue Server}-{Fun events upcoming}


<t>hello, i have just played game for 2-3 days, but i play like more than 12 hours. Does that mean something ? Currently i don't match the requirements so...</t>

Re: NEW GUILD ILLUSION RECRUITING {Blue Server}-{Fun events upcoming}


<r><QUOTE author="bewbiesss"><s>

</s><POST content="295910"><s></s>295910<e></e></POST> hello, i have just played game for 2-3 days, but i play like more than 12 hours. Does that mean something ? Currently i don't match the requirements so...<e>


if possible pls answer all the questions and low hrs is ok, its just that high hrs are prefered^^</r>

Re: NEW GUILD ILLUSION RECRUITING {Blue Server}-{Fun events upcoming}


<r><QUOTE author="han1996"><s>

</s><POST content="295911"><s></s>295911<e></e></POST> <QUOTE author="bewbiesss"><s>
</s><POST content="295910"><s></s>295910<e></e></POST> hello, i have just played game for 2-3 days, but i play like more than 12 hours. Does that mean something ? Currently i don't match the requirements so...<e>


if possible pls answer all the questions and low hrs is ok, its just that high hrs are prefered^^<e>



well okay, hope i can join, don't worry about the low hours cause i play all day, 12+ a day<br/>


1. My IGN is Bewbiesss<br/>

2. I have all 2 badges & have about 24 hrs <br/>

3. I want to join "Illusion" because fun events, and also a community to is better than play alone<br/>

4. Yes, I will<br/>

5. My favorite poke is Dragonite<br/>

6. Yes, I can be active in both at the same time</r>

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