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Re: NEW GUILD ILLUSION RECRUITING {Blue Server}-{Fun events upcoming}


<r><QUOTE author="Park269"><s>

</s><POST content="296520"><s></s>296520<e></e></POST> 1.What is your IGN(In Game Name)?park269<br/>

2.How many badges collected and how many hours do you have?none<br/>

3.Why do you want to join Illusion?i love the name^^<br/>

4.Can you install Discord(100% needed)?um no<br/>

5.What is your fav poke(Curiosity)?gengar<br/>

6.Can you be active in the game but also in Discord?nope<e>



sorry you do not have the requirements <E>:Shocked:</E> <E>:Shocked:</E> <E>:Shocked:</E></r>

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Re: NEW GUILD ILLUSION RECRUITING {Blue Server}-{Fun events upcoming}


<r><QUOTE author="Loneliness4ever"><s>

</s><POST content="296524"><s></s>296524<e></e></POST> 1. Loneliness4ever<br/>

2. All region badges has gained, 281hrs played<br/>

3. coz all are "illusion" lol<br/>

4. i can use it, always online but might not talk much when playing games<br/>

5. starmie<br/>

6. i can, just might be slow replying since might reply a bit late etc<e>



Thank you for apllying and ill pm you in game <E>:y:</E> <E>:y:</E> <E>:y:</E></r>

Re: NEW GUILD ILLUSION RECRUITING {Blue Server}-{Fun events upcoming}


<t>1. Ralves<br/>

2. 24/24 398h<br/>

3. Because i can anoy you there as well Han-chan :D<br/>

4. I use on Browser, can't install, but use, Ralves there.<br/>

5. Arcanine, was the badass one when i was a child<br/>

6. All day</t>

Re: NEW GUILD ILLUSION RECRUITING {Blue Server}-{Fun events upcoming}


<r><QUOTE author="Ralves"><s>

</s><POST content="296567"><s></s>296567<e></e></POST> 1. Ralves<br/>

2. 24/24 398h<br/>

3. Because i can anoy you there as well Han-chan :D<br/>

4. I use on Browser, can't install, but use, Ralves there.<br/>

5. Arcanine, was the badass one when i was a child<br/>

6. All day<e>



Thanks Ralves for applying and lol im trying not to laugh so much <E>:Nervous:</E> I look forward to you trying to annoy me <E>:Grin:</E> I'll pm you in game <E>:y:</E></r>

Re: NEW GUILD ILLUSION RECRUITING {Blue Server}-{Fun events upcoming}


<r><GLOW glow="red"><s>[glow=red]</s>Bump <E>:Grin:</E> after 1 week the" FIND THAT NPC!!" is going to start^^ <E>:y:</E> <E>:y:</E><e>[/glow]</e></GLOW></r>

Re: NEW GUILD ILLUSION RECRUITING {Blue Server}-{Fun events upcoming}


<t>1.What is your IGN(In Game Name)? - MikkelX<br/>

2.How many badges collected and how many hours do you have? - Got all 24 badges and around 100 hours of gameplay<br/>

3.Why do you want to join Illusion? - Cause i would like to be a part of a good, great and fun community, where u discuss pokemons :D<br/>

4.Can you install Discord(100% needed)? - I have yeah :D<br/>

5.What is your fav poke(Curiosity)? - Goomy of course :D<br/>

6.Can you be active in the game but also in Discord? - I can :)</t>

Re: NEW GUILD ILLUSION RECRUITING {Blue Server}-{Fun events upcoming}


<r><QUOTE author="MikkelX"><s>

</s><POST content="296582"><s></s>296582<e></e></POST> 1.What is your IGN(In Game Name)? - MikkelX<br/>

2.How many badges collected and how many hours do you have? - Got all 24 badges and around 100 hours of gameplay<br/>

3.Why do you want to join Illusion? - Cause i would like to be a part of a good, great and fun community, where u discuss pokemons :D<br/>

4.Can you install Discord(100% needed)? - I have yeah :D<br/>

5.What is your fav poke(Curiosity)? - Goomy of course :D<br/>

6.Can you be active in the game but also in Discord? - I can :)<e>



Hey MikkelX thank you for applying <E>:y:</E> <E>:y:</E> I'll pm you in game <E>:y:</E></r>

Re: NEW GUILD ILLUSION RECRUITING {Blue Server}-{Fun events upcoming}


<t>1) Treestump<br/>

2) I have 198 hours and all 24 badges<br/>

3) I want to join Illusion because I was in the old guild (synchro I think). The people in this guild also seem to be very active, as I see them frequently in all chat.<br/>

4) I can install Discord.<br/>

5) My favorite Pokemon is probably Garchomp, it's hard to decide.<br/>

6) I'm usually active unless I have any work.</t>

Re: NEW GUILD ILLUSION RECRUITING {Blue Server}-{Fun events upcoming}


<r><QUOTE author="treestump"><s>

</s><POST content="296593"><s></s>296593<e></e></POST> 1) Treestump<br/>

2) I have 198 hours and all 24 badges<br/>

3) I want to join Illusion because I was in the old guild (synchro I think). The people in this guild also seem to be very active, as I see them frequently in all chat.<br/>

4) I can install Discord.<br/>

5) My favorite Pokemon is probably Garchomp, it's hard to decide.<br/>

6) I'm usually active unless I have any work.<e>



Hey treestump thank you for applying for our guild <E>:Cool:</E> I'll pm you in game <E>:y:</E> <E>:y:</E></r>

Re: NEW GUILD ILLUSION RECRUITING {Blue Server}-{Fun events upcoming}


<r><QUOTE author="han1996"><s>

</s><QUOTE author="Park269"><s>
</s><POST content="296520"><s></s>296520<e></e></POST> 1.What is your IGN(In Game Name)?park269<br/>

2.How many badges collected and how many hours do you have?none<br/>

3.Why do you want to join Illusion?i love the name^^<br/>

4.Can you install Discord(100% needed)?um no<br/>

5.What is your fav poke(Curiosity)?gengar<br/>

6.Can you be active in the game but also in Discord?nope<e>



sorry you do not have the requirements <E>:Shocked:</E> <E>:Shocked:</E> <E>:Shocked:</E><e>



If you can download discord you can join^^</r>

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