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Hi i want to buy these pokes:


Nature: Relaxed

Ability:Iron Barbs


ATK: 25+

DEF: 27+



SPDEF: 27+

HP: 27+



Nature: Adamant

Ability: Multiscale

ATK: 27+

DEF: 20+

SPD: 25+


SPDEF: 20+

HP: 20+


Post here an image with your offer and the price, ty.

  • 2 weeks later...

[WTB] Epic/Godly Dragonite


<t>Hi i want to buy a Dragonite:<br/>

Nature: Adamant<br/>

Ability: Multiscale<br/>

ATK: 27+<br/>

DEF: 20+<br/>

SPD: 25+<br/>

SPATK: 0?<br/>

SPDEF: 20+<br/>

HP: 20+<br/>


Ops wrong section, can somemone move this post? ty.</t>

Re: [WTB] Epic/god Ferrothor, Excadrill



</s><QUOTE author="Divinity9999"><s>


<GLOW glow="#00FFFF"><s>[glow=#00FFFF]</s>- Moved, as Buying does not belong to "Personal Shops" as single topic -<e>[/glow]</e></GLOW><br/>

Hey, please remember not to open more than 1 topic per Subforum (unless your previous one is locked already).<br/>

There is an icon <URL url="https://prntscr.com/cswt78"><s></s>on the left<e></e></URL> that lets you edit what you posted without you having to make a new topic, allowing you to change the title and description. <E>:Smile:</E><br/>

<GLOW glow="#FF00FF"><s>[glow=#FF00FF]</s>-Merged into one-<e>[/glow]</e></GLOW><e>


[glow=#ff006e]F  u  t  u [/glow][glow=#5a1348]r   e  [/glow][glow=#4d5a8e]  C  l [/glow][glow=#40a1d3]u b[/glow]


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Share the question on the forums due to being of use to others. Please use the proper Forum.


[glow=#00FFFF]- Moved, as Buying does not belong to "Personal Shops" as single topic -[/glow]

Hey, please remember not to open more than 1 topic per Subforum (unless your previous one is locked already).

There is an icon on the left that lets you edit what you posted without you having to make a new topic, allowing you to change the title and description. :Smile:

[glow=#FF00FF]-Merged into one-[/glow]

Done , ty. :)

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