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I know someone suggested before , but i will like to resuggest that hms and tms like rock smash should be changed with items , noone likes to carry a weak pokemon only bcoz they know hms/they r their hm slaves, it can be made like the item is placed at a place which is only accesible if we have that hm first, like a hatchet/axe for hm cut, surf board for hm surf , flashlight for hm flash, mining kit for rock smash, raft or somethin like it for waterfall, mountainer's kit for sock climb, scuba kit for dive and so... i will really like to see anything like this in pro as noone will have to carry a crap hm slave or teach a crap move to a good pokemon.


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This requires more work. Sprites have to be made for the items, the items have to be made whereas HMs are already in game, and the items have to be linked to badges. In addition, I don't feel it's in the spirit of Pokemon, unlike HMs.

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