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Daycare Healing Quests



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Children calm yo tits, those quest/what ever u call it, are called "money sink" or "gold sink" used to denote a game mechanic that helps to control the inflation rate and in-game economy. Without various money-sinks, the developers would have no viable means of introducing money into, or removing excess coin from, the game's economy. Therefor, no need to whine if u get unawanted pokes. As for the thread starter's case, if ure a full pledge doctor/w.e u meet random pokes from tier1 up to tier5. Based on my experience, tier 1-3 are mostly you'll encounter.


Anyway I heard theres a higher chance of shiny on daycare than on wild, not to mention theres already several shinies popped from there.





Our present sufferings are not worth comparing

to the glory that will be revealed in us.

-Romans 8:18

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302678 Children calm yo [Censored], those quest/what ever u call it, are called "money sink" or "gold sink" used to denote a game mechanic that helps to control the inflation rate and in-game economy. Without various money-sinks, the developers would have no viable means of introducing money into, or removing excess coin from, the game's economy. Therefor, no need to whine if u get unawanted pokes. As for the thread starter's case, if ure a full pledge doctor/w.e u meet random pokes from tier1 up to tier5. Based on my experience, tier 1-3 are mostly you'll encounter.


Anyway I heard theres a higher chance of shiny on daycare than on wild, not to mention theres already several shinies popped from there.


Convincing :thanks:

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302663 Try if u you can get pawniard beldum timburr aron absol noibat claucher tympole


Pawniard is really rare, I get like one pawniard every 3 days or so. beldum is common, get average 2/day, aron/absol/clauncher/tympole are all pretty common if you are high enough on the excav points. Timbur is fairly common. But excav sites are bugged now and they are reworking it, that's probably why you are not getting anything. There's a separate topic on this. BTW I never get noibat, so I think they either removed it or It only spawn at certain time frame that I always miss.

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302663 Try if u you can get pawniard beldum timburr aron absol noibat claucher tympole

I have all them without daycare.

You can find a lot of a noibats by headbutting at hoein.

Paniward at the valley of the steel when you complete it also by archeologie.

Triburr can be found by digging.

You can buy all these from "Trade channel" with cheap prices.

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302663 Try if u you can get pawniard beldum timburr aron absol noibat claucher tympole

I have all them without daycare.

You can find a lot of a noibats by headbutting at hoein.

Paniward at the valley of the steel when you complete it also by archeologie.

Triburr can be found by digging.

You can buy all these from "Trade channel" with cheap prices.

302663 Try if u you can get pawniard beldum timburr aron absol noibat claucher tympole

I have all them without daycare.

You can find a lot of a noibats by headbutting at hoein.

Paniward at the valley of the steel when you complete it also by archeologie.

Triburr can be found by digging.

You can buy all these from "Trade channel" with cheap prices.

i am mentioning about if u can get them in excavation ok =.="

and timburr is not from digging its in granite cave

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