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Bot Infestation on Love Island


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304156 with such a vast market there was no room for a price rise due to there always being another seller for cheaper.


This is where I don't get. Given that the 3k botters don't buy MS(because they buy with bot money), when they are gone, the demand for MS dropped significantly. As long as the supply doesn't also drop significantly, the price of MS will actually drop to dirt(because there are less people buying it). But instead it went rocket high. The only reason I can think of is the MS supply actually dropped more than demand(and when the demand drop is 3k, that's a lot of supply drop to be able to make the price go up so high).

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Botters banned = demand for MS dropped = no people could sell because no one wanted to buy (or very very few) = supply dropped = opportunity for price rise = opportunity taken


...and here we are, although now the price is so high, more people will be inclined to "cash in" and buy MS to try selling for this mega-high price, meaning it should eventually fall again, but i doubt that will be the case for a while.


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303860 I quit a while ago, after I spent almost 200 hours trying to find a decent torchic and/or ferroseed (didnt even get 1 decent enough for pvp) pretty sad to hear the game is being botted so hard

awe man :( it is sad to see you quit bro i was able to get two torchics tho one is really good






[glow=red]"In this world,where ever there is light - there are also shadows. As long as the concept of winners exists, there must also be loosers. The selfish desire of wanting to maintain peace causes wars, and hatred is born to protect love."[/glow]

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hello i hang around in trade chat a lot before and after the bot purge and i saw how and why the prices went up


after the purge there were significantly less players especially those who sells ms


demand went up and supply dropped, add the fact that after the purge new items were introduced to the game (latios/latias mounts, vulcan island release and halloween boxes including new mounts)


every time new items were introduced they sell for a lot more which in turn drags ms prices up, not only that just mere weeks after the purge new bots came out (visit dragons den if u want to see for urselves) and people who bot have no qualms buying high priced ms pr coins since the money was not hard earned


if we want the game economy to stabilize we need another bot purge, and make a high stake gambling event so that in game money will be drained, maybe we can introduce choice items and other rare items as rewards thru this

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304188 if we want the game economy to stabilize we need another bot purge, and make a high stake gambling event so that in game money will be drained, maybe we can introduce choice items and other rare items as rewards thru this

money sinks were in the process of being discussed, the Focus Sash NPC was an example of that. However it isnt easy to create a money sink for botters, only for the purpose of botting - to accumulate mass money to ship over to a main acc. Its easy to spot however on a one by one basis, hence why myself and my other former GM colleagues so easily caught and banned (likely thousands between us) so many bots. Another mass ban like what happened a few months ago likely wont occur again. As stated in my other reply, the price of MS will eventually level out, but i doubt it will drop to the price it was (around 300k) and i also doubt it will drop significantly any time soon. Theres no purpose for it at the moment other than botters to claim double the money on their botting accounts and "get rich in 3 easy steps".


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Guest LiquidSnakeK

I find it interesting that only MS prices went up so high compared to the rest of the coin shop items. MS only lasts for 30 days. In order to attain MS you have to buy it with IRL money. Assuming bots bought MS for In Game money, after they were all banned the MS prices wouldn't necessarily be affected considering that actual players were buying them with their own money to begin with. That being said, if the demand for MS went down, because mostly bots were buying them, then the price would drop, not go up....


My question is, how could the price for MS go up while the demand was down. Because not as many people were buying ms, the whales simply didn't buy the In Game item.. or rather sat on whatever stockpile they had. If this is the case, the supply for MS has always been there.. In an auction house, the most expensive ITEM for sale always sells last. If the demand is HIGH the price goes up. However if the demand is LOW the price goes down. So this entire situation seems backwards to me.

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302961 I believe there is a bot infestation on love island. It seems to be getting out of control. The scary thing is that I read on a bot forum a comment where someone said "I only run up to 10 pro bots at a time or my computer slows down." It's frightening to me. :Angry:

I should include that this is on blue server.


Funny thing is you're lurking on a bot forum (?)


What kinda business u got there boi? ;)


[glow=red]Check my


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304156 With the (more than) 3k bots banned, there was minimum 3k players less in one hit that sought to buy MS, resulting in less frequent sales, resulting in less people selling MS, resulting in the greedy players having increasing the price due to non-sales


This is what makes sense the most. Thanks for the explanation, Lunestra.

304195 Another mass ban like what happened a few months ago likely wont occur again.


Can I ask why? Is it because they are dealt with slowly or because we give up on them since they come back easily?

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