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Uniform for each guild


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307033 Great idea,

Thank you very much! :Smile:

307033 currently it might be hard to find time to get around to something so time consuming as they're already busy with the Christmas event.

Sure! This not the time for it! but may it will have a good time at the futur if it will be liked by lot of players.

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Hi all.

what do you say about a uniform special for each guild?

Clothes that none not from a guild can use it.

May it can be added as a part to the shop.

the form of the clothes may be drawn by leaders as the logo.

.... :Question:


I really like this idea. I believe it would be pretty easy to code, like no1-2-3 guild on the ladder will receive guild uniform. What is a guild uniform? It is a pair of clothes that works differently in each guild. The guild leader will have to draw the clothes the same way that they make the guild logo. So the guild uniform will be one item, but the staff won't need to code or design anything. And if someone leaves a guild, the guild uniform item disappears from his inventory.

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307237 I really like this idea.

thank you!

307237 the guild uniform will be one item

For The uniform he can get two(2) screens not only one and it will be 2 items.

307237 if someone leaves a guild, the guild uniform item disappears from his inventory.

307019 Or give a special cloth to all members of the TOP1 ranked guild :)

I have these 2 adds to the suggestion.

Thank you! you are great!

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Hmmm...we have tons of guild ingame. It will be alot of resources wasted just to store all those guild design if it were to be implemented. However, what they could do is create a basic guild clothes, same design for all, but the clothes will have each guild logos attached to it. So when a guild members purchase it, it will shows their current guild logos on the clothes. Example, having a clothes similar to pvp one, but imagine it having your guild logos attached. But again, it also required works from the coding department, and we need shane and the art staffs (^^ゞ

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307254 I like the idea; have a basic template, and guild leaders choose colours and display logo. Could be fun!

Thank you!

307346 Hmmm...we have tons of guild ingame. It will be alot of resources wasted just to store all those guild design if it were to be implemented. However, what they could do is create a basic guild clothes, same design for all, but the clothes will have each guild logos attached to it. So when a guild members purchase it, it will shows their current guild logos on the clothes. Example, having a clothes similar to pvp one, but imagine it having your guild logos attached. But again, it also required works from the coding department, and we need shane and the art staffs (^^ゞ

I thank you!

Eheh! Hope it will get also approbation from the team.

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