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Sup guy? Looking for a good place for yo babies to grow up strong in?

You are in the right place..!!


The grandpa "Hiddentree" is ready to share all the love in the world with your baby Pokemons and by eating his hand baked cookie they are gonna be so strong :)


[marq=left][glow=black]Record 6 pokes ev trained in a day..!! Use rush service to get poke done in 2 hrs max.[/glow][/marq]










Current Helper



Trainer ID not found




Former team member













EV training charge..!!


HP- 50k

Def- 60k

Spd- 40k

Spatk- 50k

Spdef- 40k

Atk- 40k

[glow=Grey]Rush service is 30k extra![/glow]




Some pokemon may vary for the price I own the rights to change the prices and deny for a Pokemon.


[glow=green]Done Daycare (74) [/glow]


shinx from captainshanks

pancham for atk, hp ivs from captainshanks

machop for atk, hp ivs from captainshanks

torchic from captainshanks

electabuzz from captainshanks

riolu - pentagon1802

machop - pentagon1802

bulbasaur - pentagon1802

chansey - pentagon1802

dratini - pentagon1802

azurill - pentagon1802

togepi - Denzocrow

gligar - Denzocrow

teddiursa - Denzocrow

pidove - Denzocrow

sentret - Denzocrow

S magikarp - Denzocrow

shellder - Denzocrow

eggecute - Denzocrow

goodra - Denzocrow

Nicksupergod's - 092.gif

Nicksupergod's - 529.gif

Nicksupergod's - 090.gif

Hiddenability's - 079.gif

Hiddenability's - 123.gif

Hiddenability's - 133.gif

Hiddenability's - 246.gif

Hiddenability's - 123.gif

Hiddenability's - 449.gif

resoveltorlson's - 081.gif

taimo123's 607.gif

Taimo123's 100.gif

Taimo123's 361.gif

Derching's 088.gif

Derching's 427.gif

hiddenability's 341.gif

Derching's 041.gif

Derching's 140.gif

Hiddenability's - 133.gif

amsyafiq's - 304.gif

sagafish's 629.gif

hannan12's - 529.gif

Derching's 190.gif

Pentagon1802's 148.gif


Pentagon1802's 148.gif

name unknown - 008.gif

name unknown - 241.gif

name unknown - 071.gif

derching's 041.gif

Derching's 111.gif

hiddenability's - 551.gif

tiktock9090's 175.gif

Pentagon1802's 258.gif

xiaorodzwaffles's 371.gif

powndevill's 280.gif

prehax's - 529.gif

Pentagon1802's - 123.gif

Amsyafiq - 092.gif

Amsyafiq - 125.gif

tiktock9090 - 374.gif

tiktock9090 - 183.gif

tiktock9090 - 355.gif

Derching's - 133.gif

Derching's - 610.gif

xiaorodzwaffles's 001.gif

xiaorodzwaffles's 060.gif

Lmao2460 598.gif

Owlman244's fletchinder

prehax's digglet

prehax's digglet

hitman200218's riolu

pokecarrot's magikarp

prehax's timburr

pokecarrot's dragonair

vrishan033's eevee

gavin's venusaur

gavin's staryu,

gavin's vulpix


few are not mentioned (privacy asked by trainers) for other look on the posts i am too lasy to update it sometime :Crazy:



[glow=red]Ongoing (0) [/glow]















Pm me in game And Join the channel to communicate and get updates on pokemon

[glow=red]<SIZE size="140">/cgjoin daycare[/glow]


:thanks: for visiting

Keep loving your pokemons..!!

Doing daycare and ev training pm me for info or check on Yellow Trade Fourm

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Guest lampshadejaz

Re: spd, spdef and spatk ev training for 10k each only...!!


<r>Hey buddy, I'll jump start your business.<br/>


Ingame name: <B><s></s>kunjiro/lampshade9909<e></e></B> (One acct is my wifes, but i can be reached at either)<br/>

EVs only. <B><s></s>252 DEF, 252 HP, 6 SPATK.<e></e></B> <br/>

Any moves you want to keep or learn through level up?: Please do not evolve :-) Just learn the best attack moves. <br/>

<IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/LHpr4hS.png"><s></e></IMG><br/>



Ingame name: <B><s></s>kunjiro/lampshade9909<e></e></B> (One acct is my wifes, but i can be reached at either)<br/>

EVs only. <B><s></s>252 SPDEF, 252 HP, 6 DEF.<e></e></B><br/>

Any moves you want to keep or learn through level up?: Please do not evolve :-) Just learn the best attack moves. <br/>

<IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/Td3GtKw.png"><s></e></IMG></r>

Re: Grandpa >-< Hiddentree's PokeCare service..!!


<r><QUOTE author="lampshadejaz"><s>


</s><POST content="307713"><s></s>307713<e></e></POST> Hey buddy, I'll jump get your business going.<br/>


Ingame name: <B><s></s>kunjiro/lampshade9909<e></e></B> (One acct is my wifes, but i can be reached at either)<br/>

EVs only. <B><s></s>252 DEF, 252 HP, 6 SPATK.<e></e></B> <br/>

Any moves you want to keep or learn through level up?: Please do not evolve :-) Just learn the best attack moves. <br/>

<IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/LHpr4hS.png"><s></e></IMG><br/>



Ingame name: <B><s></s>kunjiro/lampshade9909<e></e></B> (One acct is my wifes, but i can be reached at either)<br/>

EVs only. <B><s></s>252 SPDEF, 252 HP, 6 DEF.<e></e></B><br/>

Any moves you want to keep or learn through level up?: Please do not evolve :-) Just learn the best attack moves. <br/>

<IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/Td3GtKw.png"><s></e></IMG><e>




I am doing ev training for only spd, spdef and spatk for now... so i can take your gligar for training spdef for 10k if ya want :)</r>

Doing daycare and ev training pm me for info or check on Yellow Trade Fourm

Guest lampshadejaz

Re: spd, spdef and spatk ev training for 10k each only...!!


<r><QUOTE author="Hiddentree"><s>

</s><POST content="307777"><s></s>307777<e></e></POST> <QUOTE author="lampshadejaz"><s>
</s><POST content="307713"><s></s>307713<e></e></POST> Hey buddy, I'll jump get your business going.<br/>


Ingame name: <B><s></s>kunjiro/lampshade9909<e></e></B> (One acct is my wifes, but i can be reached at either)<br/>

EVs only. <B><s></s>252 DEF, 252 HP, 6 SPATK.<e></e></B> <br/>

Any moves you want to keep or learn through level up?: Please do not evolve :-) Just learn the best attack moves. <br/>

<IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/LHpr4hS.png"><s></e></IMG><br/>



Ingame name: <B><s></s>kunjiro/lampshade9909<e></e></B> (One acct is my wifes, but i can be reached at either)<br/>

EVs only. <B><s></s>252 SPDEF, 252 HP, 6 DEF.<e></e></B><br/>

Any moves you want to keep or learn through level up?: Please do not evolve :-) Just learn the best attack moves. <br/>

<IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/Td3GtKw.png"><s></e></IMG><e>



I am doing ev training for only spd, spdef and spatk for now... so i can take your gligar for training spdef for 10k if ya want :)<e>



I see. SPDEF for 10k sounds good. Once you move up to doing all EV training, let me know because I'll use your services again!<br/>


Edit; You can do SPD and ATK at the same time over on Rt 12. If you want, I'll have you do a Sneasel for me there.</r>

Re: spd, spdef and spatk ev training for 10k each only...!!


<r><QUOTE author="lampshadejaz"><s>

</s><POST content="307805"><s></s>307805<e></e></POST> <br/>


I see. SPDEF for 10k sounds good. Once you move up to doing all EV training, let me know because I'll use your services again!<br/>


Edit; You can do SPD and ATK at the same time over on Rt 12. If you want, I'll have you do a Sneasel for me there.<e>



I will be in game now and can pick up the spdef pokemon and for sneasel's atk i need to think :)</r>

Doing daycare and ev training pm me for info or check on Yellow Trade Fourm

Re: spd, spdef and spatk ev training for 10k each only...!!


<r>you do this all by yourself <E>:confused:</E></r>






[glow=red]"In this world,where ever there is light - there are also shadows. As long as the concept of winners exists, there must also be loosers. The selfish desire of wanting to maintain peace causes wars, and hatred is born to protect love."[/glow]

Re: spd, spdef and spatk ev training for 10k each only...!!


<r><QUOTE author="nicksupergod"><s>

</s><POST content="307980"><s></s>307980<e></e></POST> you do this all by yourself <E>:confused:</E><e>


yup :) just started</r>

Doing daycare and ev training pm me for info or check on Yellow Trade Fourm

Re: spd, spdef and spatk ev training for 10k each only...!!


<r>i am a bit busy in hoenn right now but when i am finish i will come straight to you <E>:Grin:</E></r>






[glow=red]"In this world,where ever there is light - there are also shadows. As long as the concept of winners exists, there must also be loosers. The selfish desire of wanting to maintain peace causes wars, and hatred is born to protect love."[/glow]

Re: spd, spdef and spatk ev training for 10k each only...!!


<r><QUOTE author="lampshadejaz"><s>

</s><POST content="308186"><s></s>308186<e></e></POST><br/>


Is "Hiddentree" your IGN? I missed you last night, will try PMing you again<e>




yup Hiddentree is my IGN (You can find me in cinnabar) i'll be in game from now on to 3 straight hours..!!</r>

Doing daycare and ev training pm me for info or check on Yellow Trade Fourm

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