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Re: spd, spdef and spatk ev training for 10k each only...!!


<r><QUOTE author="Jahus"><s>

</s><POST content="308549"><s></s>308549<e></e></POST> How much time it takes to do one class (i.e. get 10k for it)?<e>


like 60 - 80 mins max</r>

Doing daycare and ev training pm me for info or check on Yellow Trade Fourm

Re: spd, spdef and spatk ev training for 10k each only...!!


<t>Took shinx from captainshanks at lvl 27 for spd and atk training for 20k..!!</t>

Doing daycare and ev training pm me for info or check on Yellow Trade Fourm

Re: spd, spdef and spatk ev training for 10k each only...!!


<t>took pancham and machop for atk, hp ivs from captainshanks and returned shinx</t>

Doing daycare and ev training pm me for info or check on Yellow Trade Fourm

Re: spd, spdef and spatk ev training for 10k each only...!!


<r>Hey, your service looks convincing and promising. I will add you in game soon since I have a bunch of pokemons needed to be ev trained <E>:devil:</E> <br/>


Do accept my friend request when I sent it to you. Good luck with the business.</r>

[glow=red]Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.[/glow]

Re: spd, spdef and spatk ev training for 10k each only...!!


<r>took some pokemons for ev training <br/>


<IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/MBkn5Lg.png"><s></e></IMG></r>

Doing daycare and ev training pm me for info or check on Yellow Trade Fourm

Re: spd, spdef and spatk ev training for 10k each only...!!


<r><QUOTE author="Hiddentree"><s>

</s><POST content="309772"><s></s>309772<e></e></POST> took some pokemons for ev training <br/>


<IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/MBkn5Lg.png"><s></e></IMG><e>


Hey, if you are done with those, do contact me in game. <E>:Angel:</E></r>

[glow=red]Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.[/glow]

Re: spd, spdef and spatk ev training for 10k each only...!!


<t>All previous Pokémon returned! <br/>


Took Dratini and azurill from pentagon1802 and is completed now!!</t>

Doing daycare and ev training pm me for info or check on Yellow Trade Fourm

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