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Vergessnheit's PVP shop! Epic Poke! Thick Fat snorlax, Togekiss . and more (Update Daily)

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Hi There,


I wanted to sell some of my PVP pokemon, which im not use it anymore..



- I have rights to cancel the offer if the price isnt worth the effort, *i rarely do that, so offer me like u want it

- U can offer any insta, but if the price isnt fit, ill make it as c.o OR cancel the price

- MS = 800K

- IF the poke have no STARTING OFFER, u can make ur own

[highlight=red]- Minimum Raise 50k[/highlight]

*U can offer ingame, or at forum, ill post it anyway*


I'll Update the thread regularly, and will add more poke in the future, so STAY TUNE


- Swampert -




s.o : 250k

c.o : -

instant : -


- Crawdaunt -




s.o : 200k

c.o : -

instant : -


- Dragonite -




s.o : 150k

c.o : -

instant : -


- Metagross -




s.o : 250k

c.o : -

Instant : -


- Scizor -




s.o : 200k

c.o : -

instant : -


- Togekiss -




s.o : 300k

c.o : -

instant : -


- Snorlax Thick Fat -




s.o : 350k

c.o : -

instant : -


- Dusknoir (Pure Epic)-




s.o : 600k

c.o : -

instant : -



*Happy Bidding*

Re: Vergessnheit's PVP shop! H.A sharpedo, talon, breloom. and more


<r>SOLD POKE'S<br/>


-Sharpedo- <br/>


Sold 1m to Chronec (insta)<br/>

<IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/ktNtuzV.png"><s></e></IMG><br/>





Sold 150k to Kenneth12351<br/>

<IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/NUUbRPy.jpg"><s></e></IMG></r>

Re: Vergessnheit's PVP shop! Epic Poke! H.A talon, Thick Fat snorlax, Togekiss . and more


<r>up <E>:Smile:</E> <E>:Smile:</E></r>

Re: Vergessnheit's PVP shop! Epic Poke! H.A talon, Thick Fat snorlax, Togekiss . and more


<r><QUOTE author="rkiriakos"><s>

  rkiriakos said:
</s>togekiss (1) 510 k ------ + pm in game : Rkiriakos.<br/>


<E>:y:</E> <E>:thanks:</E><e>



hi, the minimum raise is 50k, sorry</r>

Re: Vergessnheit's PVP shop! Epic Poke! H.A talon, Thick Fat snorlax, Togekiss . and more



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