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Display Ability Information



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When you hover over a Pokemon's moves it shows you all the information you'd need to know about it, it's power, it's accuracy, gives a description, and tells you if it can paralyze or give another status effect.


I love this feature, sometimes I may forget that Ember has 40 power and a chance to cause burn or that Wrap last 2-5 turns.


It would be amazing if information was given when you hover over an ability.

I have no idea what Liquid Ooze does



Personally I just Google it and learn that "Liquid Ooze causes HP-draining moves to cause injury. If a Pokémon with Liquid Ooze is hit by an HP-draining move such as Leech Life or Giga Drain, the amount of HP that should be recovered by the opponent will be dealt as damage instead. However, Liquid Ooze does not prevent damage to the Pokémon."


But it would be much more convenient if I could just hover over it and see that "Liquid Ooze causes HP-draining moves to cause injury."


There's definitely no need to show everything about the ability, but having that little bit of information would be super helpful the players who don't know what all the abilities do.





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