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The Comaback (LF Personal Daycare Players)


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Hello my name in game is SiTzei i am back from inactivity and first thing i wanna do is to found again personal daycare players


So what i am looking for?

-very active guy play everyday

-english speaker and cool person

-not care if he dont have much knowledge about daycare and ev training

-not care if he is begginer in the game


-i can share a list with top ev spots in all regions

-i can share macho brace for mass ev train

-i can help him unlock cerulean cave and egg moves

-i can share my knowledge for this game i am not the best player but i know alot of things


-about reward we will discuss in personal but i am rich enough to can pay for all this pokes i give daily for training



If u want that position talk to me via message in forum or ingame

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