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Velocity Guild recruiting! Yellow server


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Welcome to our guild thread! Velocity guild is a new guild that we made yesterday! We are a fun and outgoing guild, we hope to stay this way for a very long time. We have big goals in game and we want you to be a part of it!


Once we have a bigger group we will holding guild events ad contests!


We also believe that communication is the best thing to have when you're in a guild and that's why discord is one of our requirements!


You can Get ahold of the Guild leader: Greatnessaw0ken

Or the Guilds Co-Leader:Erythnukal

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good lick with guild :Cool:






[glow=red]"In this world,where ever there is light - there are also shadows. As long as the concept of winners exists, there must also be loosers. The selfish desire of wanting to maintain peace causes wars, and hatred is born to protect love."[/glow]

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