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Evolution bug ? ? ?


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Hiii gm , im is one of a lot player in server blue , i gona report about my evolution bug , in one day im leveling this one : https://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=10x54yv&s=9

in the ths day i leveling it to 98 and use rc to 99and evolve it , but i don't know its evolve are bug its no notice to evolve , and in 1minute i got a dc , and i login back but its still not evolve , and i leveling it to 100 without rc , and i not get notice to evolve and in 1 min i dc again , i gona report ths bug , and pls my trecko can evolve to sceptile , :thanks:

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322014 Hiii gm , im is one of a lot player in server blue , i gona report about my evolution bug , in one day im leveling this one : https://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=10x54yv&s=9

in the ths day i leveling it to 98 and use rc to 99and evolve it , but i don't know its evolve are bug its no notice to evolve , and in 1minute i got a dc , and i login back but its still not evolve , and i leveling it to 100 without rc , and i not get notice to evolve and in 1 min i dc again , i gona report ths bug , and pls my trecko can evolve to sceptile , :thanks:

Sadly nothing can be done about this but in future it is always better to evolve in the Pokemon's early 90's

Good luck :y:

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322016 Sadly nothing can be done about this but in future it is always better to evolve in the Pokemon's early 90's


Aren't we who tell new players to evolve at 97 or such? And seriously, can't someone lower its level?

You can search other topics and see that gm's say that their is nothing that they can do so thats why I always evolve at about 94/95 to be safe

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322019 You can search other topics and see that gm's say that their is nothing that they can do so thats why I always evolve at about 94/95 to be safe


Nothing they can do or are they just following a policy that states they don't fix this kind of problems? I would like to know, since they can create Pokémon as rewards, set their IV and level, I guess they can change one Pokémon's level.

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322014 -snip-


Nothing can be done to lower levels, always reach final evolution before 100, rare candy the last few levels rather than risk getting stuck, it's covered in the read this before making a general support topic

183190 Pokemon cannot evolve at level 100/Pokemon evolved by mistake


Unfortunately, staff cannot unevolve pokemon, so any evolution is final. You will need to check and make sure every requirement for evolution is met before reaching level 100. It's recommended to evolve pokemon around level 97-98 to avoid any unexpected issues



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