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The Enchanted (Yellow Server) $$+


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I'm Drake166 the creator of The Enchanted Guild.


I had a previous guild topic but it was locked (with no reason stated so I can only assume its due to the in-activity) so I've decided to re-create the guild topic with updated information.


To make this Guild slightly different and slightly more exciting then existing guilds there are only going to be 20 spaces available and the reason being is because for those who are appointed a position in the guild will be paid members (requirements need to be met on a monthly basis)



  • 4 Badges
    5+ min playing hours
    Be active within the guild
    Join the guild forum
    Post daily on the guild forum
    Follow PRO in-game rules
    Attend at least 1 guild event a month



New Recruit: $5,000 (paid every saturday - member must be online to receive payment)


Rank Description: This is our beginners rank, you will receive $5,000 every Saturday (provided all requirements are followed) in order to progress onto

the next rank (Junior Recruit) you need to off been active within the guild for at least a month without any PRO or Guild rules broken.


Junior Recruit: $10,000 (paid every saturday - member must be online to receive payment)


Rank Description: Junior Rank, you are now able to give orders to New Recruits and are tasked with monitoring them.. it is your duty to help/guide

them when needed but to also make sure they are following PRO and Guild rules, and meeting the guild requirements. Our Senior Recruits monitor you to see

how good of a job you do within this rank and will consult with a guild supervisor at the end of the month to see if you are worthy to achieve the next rank (Senior Recruit)


Senior Recruit: $20,000 (paid every saturday - member must be online to receive payment)


Rank Description: You are responsible for overseeing our New Recruits and Junior Members, you are also tasked with organising

guild events (at least 1 event a month). You also need to communicate with a Guild Supervisor if you have any concerns, complaints or want to praise or suggest that a guild member moves up to the next rank. To become a Supervisor you need to be active for 4 months on the guild, following all the guild requirements and the rules on PRO.


Supervisor: $40,000 (paid every saturday - members must be online to receive payment)


Rank Description: As a Supervisor you are responsible for New Recruits, Junior Recruits, and Senior Recruits. You have the authority to

decrease or increase a guilders rank (by consulting with Drake), you can suspend a guilders rank or request that a guilder be removed from the guild completely. Supervisors consult with The General Manager of the guild on a daily basis.. your main priority is to oversee that the guild runs smoothly and if

a guilder isn't pulling there weight then to suspend, decrease or remove them.


General Manager: $100,000 (paid every saturday - members must be online to receive payment)


Disclaimer: I can't be online of every second on Saturday so it is your duty to login multiple times to catch me online, if you do not claim your payday funds by Sunday latest you will loose your payday funds and it will NOT roll over onto next weeks payment)

When payment is made to a specific member a screenshot will be done to provide proof incase of any disputes.




(Adding more content to this post shortly)

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