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Re: Big Grumpy Insta Shop (20 new trained pokes added)--Updated 7/1


<r><GLOW glow="red"><s>[glow=red]</s>[update 7/1]<e>[/glow]</e></GLOW><br/>

-added lvl 16 drought Vulpix<br/>

-added lvl 16 drought Vulpix<br/>

-added lvl 47 h.a Corphish<br/>

-added Shiny Sentret<br/>

-added Shiny Clefairy<br/>

-added Shiny Mamoswine<br/>

-added Shiny Karp<br/>

-added lvl 16 timid Eevee<br/>

-added lvl 16 careful Eevee</r>

[glow=red]Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.[/glow]

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Re: Big Grumpy Insta Shop (20 new trained pokes added)--Updated 7/1


<r><IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/6Os23lk.png"><s></e></IMG> <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/NfLIEsO.png"><s></e></IMG><br/>


can i buy both for 1m ?</r>

Re: Big Grumpy Insta Shop (20 new trained pokes added)--Updated 7/1


<r><QUOTE author="DenzoCrow"><s>

  DenzoCrow said:
</s><POST content="332516"><s></s>332516<e></e></POST> <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/6Os23lk.png"><s></e></IMG> <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/NfLIEsO.png"><s></e></IMG><br/>


can i buy both for 1m ?<e>


I'll accept it. PM me in game whenever you have the chance~</r>

[glow=red]Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.[/glow]

Re: Big Grumpy Insta Shop (20 new trained pokes added)--Updated 7/1


<r><QUOTE author="pentagon1802"><s>

  pentagon1802 said:
</s><POST content="332465"><s></s>332465<e></e></POST> <QUOTE author="Vntvelskulz"><s>
  Vntvelskulz said:
</s><POST content="332384"><s></s>332384<e></e></POST> 1m for magic bounce espeon can bro?<e>

<QUOTE author="iTzTedric"><s>

  iTzTedric said:
</s><POST content="332459"><s></s>332459<e></e></POST> s.o h.a espeon?<e>


Since both of you have similar interest on Espeon, it seems fair for me to start a 12 hours auction on it.<br/>

Starting price : 1m<br/>

Insta price : 1.5m<br/>

TIme out : 12 hours from now. Ends in 0100am(GMT+8)<br/>


Whoever goes for the best bid win it. Good luck <E>:Cool:</E><e>



okay bro :)</r>

Re: Big Grumpy Insta Shop (20 new trained pokes added)--Updated 7/1


<r><QUOTE author="Gurren101"><s>

  Gurren101 said:
</s><POST content="332587"><s></s>332587<e></e></POST> I would buy the blissy and timid 31 jolteon pm me<e>

I'm in game right now. Do PM me if you want to trade right away :)</r>

[glow=red]Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.[/glow]

Re: Big Grumpy Insta Shop (20 new trained pokes added)--Updated 7/1


<r><QUOTE author="Vntvelskulz"><s>

  Vntvelskulz said:
</s><POST content="332539"><s></s>332539<e></e></POST> <QUOTE author="pentagon1802"><s>
  pentagon1802 said:
</s><POST content="332465"><s></s>332465<e></e></POST> <QUOTE author="Vntvelskulz"><s>
  Vntvelskulz said:
</s><POST content="332384"><s></s>332384<e></e></POST> 1m for magic bounce espeon can bro?<e>

<QUOTE author="iTzTedric"><s>

  iTzTedric said:
</s><POST content="332459"><s></s>332459<e></e></POST> s.o h.a espeon?<e>


Since both of you have similar interest on Espeon, it seems fair for me to start a 12 hours auction on it.<br/>

Starting price : 1m<br/>

Insta price : 1.5m<br/>

TIme out : 12 hours from now. Ends in 0100am(GMT+8)<br/>


Whoever goes for the best bid win it. Good luck <E>:Cool:</E><e>



okay bro :)<e>


Just to notify that iTzTedric has insta-ed the Espeon. Thank you <E>:kiss:</E></r>

[glow=red]Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.[/glow]

Re: Big Grumpy Insta Shop (20 new trained pokes added)--Updated 7/1


<r><QUOTE author="pentagon1802"><s>

  pentagon1802 said:
</s><POST content="332612"><s></s>332612<e></e></POST> <QUOTE author="Vntvelskulz"><s>
  Vntvelskulz said:
</s><POST content="332539"><s></s>332539<e></e></POST> <QUOTE author="pentagon1802"><s>
  pentagon1802 said:
</s><POST content="332465"><s></s>332465<e></e></POST> <br/>



Since both of you have similar interest on Espeon, it seems fair for me to start a 12 hours auction on it.<br/>

Starting price : 1m<br/>

Insta price : 1.5m<br/>

TIme out : 12 hours from now. Ends in 0100am(GMT+8)<br/>


Whoever goes for the best bid win it. Good luck <E>:Cool:</E><e>



okay bro :)<e>


Just to notify that iTzTedric has insta-ed the Espeon. Thank you <E>:kiss:</E><e>



sad <E>:Frown:</E></r>

Re: Big Grumpy Insta Shop (20 new trained pokes added)--Updated 7/1


<r><QUOTE author="Vntvelskulz"><s>

  Vntvelskulz said:
</s><POST content="332625"><s></s>332625<e></e></POST> sad <e>


[glow=red]Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.[/glow]

Re: Big Grumpy Insta Shop (20 new trained pokes added)--Updated 8/1


<r><GLOW glow="red"><s>[glow=red]</s>[update 8/1]<e>[/glow]</e></GLOW><br/>

-added lvl 100 Scizor<br/>

-added lvl 100 Azumarill<br/>

-added lvl 100 Azumarill<br/>

-added lvl 100 Eelektross<br/>

-added lvl 12 shadow tag Gothita</r>

[glow=red]Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.[/glow]

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