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all rite, I was at safary zoen and i couldnt catch my pokemon cause of this... so i went out and recreated the same problem. i had 5/6 pokemon on my party and my computer wasnt full but when i tried to catch the pokemon wich supposed to fill my party i couldnt... :confused:

here some screen shoots of what happened ( i came out from safari and catched random pokemon to re create the bug.







Thanks in advance to take care about this issue, its annoying be in front of the pokemon that you went looking for a lot of time and just discover you couldnt catch it. :Nervous:

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well, just noticed that the max amount of pokes is 900 ( 59 full boxes = 885 + 10 on the last box + 5 on the team = 900 ) BUT! they never aware you that anywhere... most of the things we dont recieve any notice during the game are the ones that makes your life difficoult in some ways :Cry:

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