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S noivern S salamence S electivire S krookodile

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As the title says. This is not an auction by the way. If i like the offer then we can deal


Salamence = https://prntscr.com/dtpmdt

Noivern = https://prntscr.com/dtpmru had 42m offer

Krookodile = https://prntscr.com/dtpn3p

Electivire = https://prntscr.com/dtpnul *bo 26m

Omanyte = https://prntscr.com/dtpo6x *bo 8m (PVP viable)

Breloom = https://prntscr.com/dtpoel


i repeat this is not an auction. pokecash wise i have also. im mainly looking for godly battelrs or absurd offers. if its so so then i wont sell.



no time limit no instas. Thanks

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