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Quadruple Moxie Auction!



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I have with me 4 different mons with their hidden ability: MOXIE :Shocked:



First off we have this hidden ability adamant gyarados I just finished EV training! Taking offers that are >= 60k on this one. (Johto People Only)


Next up we have a moxie mence that unfortunately is relaxed >:( but still has pretty good evs. Taking offers >= 35k for this. (Johto People Only)


Adamant pinsir is up next. Since this guy doesn't have too great IVs I'll take offers >= 25k.


Lastly we got a neutral nature heracross with alright IVs and MOXIE! Taking offers >= 40k on this one. (Johto People Only)

Escavalier is the greatest pokemon ever but Kabutops is a close second. escavalier.gif kabutops.gif

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