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I only use gengar, red don't see that coming


Starmie lvl 100 (Full ev training)

Alacazam lvl 100 (Full ev training)

Gengar lvl 99

Dewgond lvl 92

Mightyena lvl 92

Farfetch'd lvl 90


If its reception at victory road, yes u can


If its celadon, its clearly almost impossible due the fact you just finished 4th badge.


Celadon probably not possible unless you run something like a sturdy poke with custap and endeavor, along with a priority user. Destiny bond with sturdy should also work theoretically but those are practically speaking impossible at this stage due to bugs and no custap in this game

46877 After you can win red at reception to Victory road, I wonder what ha said. Who can beat red, could you tell me what is he said? :Question: :Crazy: hahaha


check this post so you will know what if you defeat red


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