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General Improvements



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- TYPES NEEDS TO SHOW UP IN BATTLE, you already have a hoverbox on pokemons, but its empty. Put base stats and type in it or something, its a really easy fix.


- Pokedex opening animation time needs to be alot faster, and an option to disable it would be nice.


- Pokedex links, clicking a pokemon in battle, or shift-clicking in pc/party needs to be implemented, manually typing pokemon names is tedious in the long run, especially for scrubs like me who needs to look up everything twice. Shift clicking is a good shortcut overall for this.


- Dex sometimes opens up the wrong poke when clicking in the "spawn menu" in the top right corner


- IV's and EV's needs to be better explained to the players, i dont know how, but so many newbies dont have a clue about what these are. A brief animation or something would fix it maybe.


- Natures needs an ingame spreadsheet/diagram/list/anything. There is no way of obtaining this crucial information inside the game.


- The fact that pokemons level slower when you evolve them is a giant turn-off for new players, the ability to choose if you want to evolve or not is maybe a not so good idea.


- "Inspect" discourages battling. Maybe you can show pokemon level on inspection, but not type and name.


- Better animations, lots of work and not a priority.


- You get exp before the pokemon is dead, at least add a delay or something idk.

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347687 TYPES NEEDS TO SHOW UP IN BATTLE, you already have a hoverbox on pokemons, but its empty. Put base stats and type in it or something, its a really easy fix.


You can see Pokemon typing and base stats in your pokedex.


347687 Pokedex links, clicking a pokemon in battle, or shift-clicking in pc/party needs to be implemented, manually typing pokemon names is tedious in the long run, especially for scrubs like me who needs to look up everything twice. Shift clicking is a good shortcut overall for this.


If you type the first few letters of a pokemons name in the pokedex. Example, if you want to search for Unown, just type 'uno'. There shouldn't be too many pokemon with those letters in its name, so searching for pokemon, in general if you use that 'tactic', shouldn't be so tedious.


347687 Dex sometimes opens up the wrong poke when clicking in the "spawn menu" in the top right corner


This is a bug, you should try reporting it here --->https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewforum.php?f=88, and if that isn't the proper place, staff will move it to the correct sub-forums.

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I just said that they should do something with the empty hoverbox in battle, and that its tedious to look up the pokemons in the dex every battle. Are you for real? Its a simple fix that makes the game so much more playable for new players that dont know every pokemon in the game.

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347687 - IV's and EV's needs to be better explained to the players, i dont know how, but so many newbies dont have a clue about what these are. A brief animation or something would fix it maybe.


- Natures needs an ingame spreadsheet/diagram/list/anything. There is no way of obtaining this crucial information inside the game.

meh I'm not really into spoon-fed information. But if I may suggest i think a FAQs NPC is a good idea.


347687 - "Inspect" discourages battling. Maybe you can show pokemon level on inspection, but not type and name.

iirc there is an option to disable it, so they wont see your team.





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-Romans 8:18

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347687 - TYPES NEEDS TO SHOW UP IN BATTLE, you already have a hoverbox on pokemons, but its empty. Put base stats and type in it or something, its a really easy fix.


The box is generally empty when versing wild pokemon, but when you have entry setups in PVP like toxic spikes etc, they show up in the box.

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- Hoverbox is for entry hazards. Pokedex already has types, spend a few seconds and search.


- Yeah the animation could be faster.


- Could be nice.


- Yep, you have to click on it once again after dex opens up.


- There's something called Google. People already ask loads of questions wanting to be spoonfed. Everyone was a newbie, lots of people used Google. It's simple!


- They don't need to be. You have Google for that too!


- I agree, it's annoying.


- Users can disable that. Options -> Game -> Untick "Allow Party Inspection"


- Not too crucial in my eyes and the staff are already working on adding more animations when time allows.


- Somewhat annoying, can be nice if fixed, but nothing big imo.

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