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Game crash everytime of course


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Since yesterday, I'm spendind hours to chase Litleo. So yesterday at night, after 2h and 30k pokédollars of safari, I found one. I used false swipe, and when I clicked on items, game crashed. You know, I'm a bit angry about that. But I decided to retry again today.


And after 30k and 2h again, I found litleo. And the same problem has occured.


I hope you can understand my disappointment, I ask you to be willing of giving me a good litleo, or at least refund me all the money I had spend for nothing.

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Hi [ref]Risitas[/ref],

This is the bag issue, which unfortunately a fix hasn't been found for yet, the freeze isn't permanent and the game should continue after a few seconds too a minute

One of the way of minimising the chance of it happening/length of time it happens for is to open your bag occasionally as you hunt


Although as we understand your disappointment and frustration with the issue, it's not something which any reimbursement would be given for

I'll also lock the thread since there's nothing more we can do


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