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So, i've been playing this for a few days now and i just want to share my thoughts and then we can discuss them and you can share your opinion. should be fun.




It's fantastic! I started playing with two friends on teamspeak and we made our way to Misty together! the first thing that wowed me was the looks! I have never seen kanto look so good! And I have played 1,000,001 mods and mmo's of Pokemon and this is the best looking! well, it's maybe second to "Pokemon Generation 0" ( http://REMOVED )


The controls are not great at the moment with limited functions but its not game breaking and I have read that this would be fixed in the future.


My friends and I couldn't get to grips with the EXP system as it does seem to be a touch bloated but, I like it. I like how your EXP does seem to boost when battling a higher level pokemon. How you get less EXP by battling the same pokemon, I like this as it makes sense for an MMO game, I know a lot will disagree with me on this but I love that they have tried to make something else instead of just being the same as the original.


I do wish that, ESPECIALLY with this being a online game, we had a change log or update posts. Now, I don't mean full things like server changes as what does that matter to us? it doesn't, but game changing updates I really want to know what has been added. Bug fixes too! that would help with not having repeat bug reports too!


I'm going to stop typing now as I can't think of anything else to say

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Guest UnknownUser11

Heya, thanks for the review :)


In regurds to a Change Log, there will be one again when game goes up for real..

Reason its not there now is other rival games were watching it like a hawk and mimicing everything done.


But yeah will be one :)

And controls are being worked on this week, my cousin is driving around a controller tonight too i can get them working.

And i will add some key mapping in the options

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