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Luck and Effort in PRO


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364445 Tell me about it. It's always that or "this is an MMO".


I mean, I get it. I get the "it's in their free time" thing, I get they are not payed, I get that's an hobby, I get all, and I appreciated that, strongly. BUT... we are a loyal community, we didnt' quit PRO even with all the problem, the delay, the bug, etc. No matter what, here we stay. Still it's not the first time I heard this "Don't like it, quit it" stuff. Instead of helping improve the game, "quit it". It's frustrating and disrespectful, if you want my opinion.

Thankfulness must come from both side imho..

I totally agree. People, for some reason, take it to their hearts. This is just a criticism/suggestion. I may be wrong, tell me I'm wrong with your arguments. I won't bite.

364449 Another hurr-durr I didn't get h.a ayylmao pokemon in 3 hours, how unfair life is. I tell you that I didn't get a h.a Gothita in 8 days so I should make a thread aswell about how unfair RNG is?

I didn't get a h.a. Dratini in over 5 months of on and off hunting. I didn't get a single h.a. Fletchling in over 6 (+2 in my Alt) months of headbutting each and every day. You didn't see me complain. I don't know how much effort you put into your Gothita hunt, 8 days is unfortunate. And guess what? You may never get one even if you spent 2000 hours. See the point I'm making here? Your effort may never pay off, which is why this thread exists. Have an argument against it? I'm all ears (eyes).

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In my opinions is pretty fine like that, try to think about it...you are rewarded for your effort. you got 20 drillburs, those are extremely rare pok so even if not good they can sell for soemthing, u can sell 20 drilbur and get a decent one, how is this not rewarding? i mean ofc if you are lucky u just find a good one urself, but is not like u cant sell and buy to get good pok.

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364455 Have an argument against it? I'm all ears (eyes).


Irrelevant, you're not even trying to understand. I have not suggested anything that would be against an MMO environment. So instead of acting like a kid, try to read and understand.

364822 In my opinions is pretty fine like that, try to think about it...you are rewarded for your effort. you got 20 drillburs, those are extremely rare pok so even if not good they can sell for soemthing, u can sell 20 drilbur and get a decent one, how is this not rewarding? i mean ofc if you are lucky u just find a good one urself, but is not like u cant sell and buy to get good pok.

Yeah, that, I guess, is a fair argument. I really appreciate that considering certain people insist on having the attitude of a 5 year old.


I'd say the price difference between a decent Drilbur and 20x Drilburs is pretty high. Also worth mentioning is the fact that trash Pokemon usually don't even sell. But I guess it's still a valid point to get yourself a decent "X".

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