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Rare Hunter's Shop Bou! Pokemon ..Update 5 19/11/2015


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[glow=#395da9]Welcome to the BoU PoKeMoN ShOp! The BoU PoKeMon ShOp is very unique which is sponsored by

RareHunters Guild. This Shop is shared by all guild dedicated hunters and battlers seeking the Rarest , strongest IVs'd pokemons for battles, and the Rarest Shinies pokemons in the game! We will stop at nothing of reaching our goal to have the best collection of shinies, the strongest battlers, and the best IV'd and Natured pokemon this game has to offer! We will let everyone in guild to sell their pokes here, so keep updated.[/glow]



Well Poke Trainer's looking for epic, shiny, or rare pokes so guess what here comes


[glow=#395da9]<COLOR color="#000000">Update 1 Info:[/glow]30/10/2015

[*]Shinies: Drowzee, Seadra, Poochyena, Tangrowth.

[*]Epics: Nincada, Ralts, Staryu, Corphish, Murkrow.

[glow=#395da9]Update 2 Info:[/glow]03/11/2015

[*]Shinies: Dragonair, Electabuzz, Arcanine, Bronzor, Pikachu, Poochyena.

[*]Epics: Dragonair, Duskull, Forretress, Hitmonlee, Lickilicky, Snorunt, Steelix, Togepi

[glow=#395da9]Update 3 Info:[/glow]08/11/2015

[*]Epics: Goomy, Haxarous(1), Larvitar(2), Fraxure, Electabuzz, Bagon.

[glow=#395da9]Update 4 Info:[/glow]15/11/2015

[*]Shinies: Dragonite, Electivire, Alakazam, Mismagius, Electrode, Geodude.

[*]Epics: Ninetales.

[glow=#395da9]Update 5 Info:[/glow]19/11/2015

[*]Shinies: Swinub.

[*]Epics: Florges, Forretress, Swellow.

[glow=red]Rules, Instructions, and Tips :[/glow] :Light:


1. Do not ask for buy out price and just offer. Having the Best Offer doesn't necessarily mean you will get the pokemon.

2. You can PM me here or in-game (same IGN).

3. Pokémon's will stay on sale until the player with best offer completes the trade.

4. Rare Hunter members can share their Pokémon's for sale here or PM me.

5. All Natu Synchronize's abilities are available; all by 12k except Jolly by 15k.

6. We accept Pokedex data trade back 2k PD each poke. We have 2 of the best pokedex hunters in PRO. (We trust players but we also take screenshots just in case).

7. Request for Pokémon is available because we are Rare Hunters and we hunt Rare Pokemons "TOGETHER", (please include Level, IVs, Ability, Nature and if EV trained of desired pokemon).


<GLOW glow="#395da9">[glow=#395da9]Shinies[/glow]


shiny_alakazam.png shiny_swinub.png shiny_electrode.png shiny_geodude.png tangrowth.png QUAGSIRE.png BELLSPROUT.png CROBAT.png DEWGONG.png DUGTRIO.png GOLDEEN.png GOLEM.png KRABBY.png drowze_Ee.png pooch_Y_s.png




florges.png forretress.png swellow.png ninetales.png duskull_tanky.png hitmonlee.png lickilicky.png snorunt.png steelix.png NINCADA.png corfish.png FERALIGATR.png AERODACTYL.png NINCADA.png SLAKING.png LAPRAS.png



<SIZE size="150">[glow=#395da9]To Be updated[/glow]

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Re: Rare Hunter's Shop Bou! Pokemon ..


<r><QUOTE author="Doggy"><s>

</s><POST content="48850"><s></s>48850<e></e></POST> 60k on shiny gyarados>?<e>

I will be off for couple of hours while you consider the offer thanks Doggy.</r>

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