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if my pokemon is bug type, but his attack are fight type, do i contr psychic pokemon?


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hi, i have pinsir pokemon(30lv) and he is but-type pokemon, but his attack are...fight type, and now i have question, because i'm new player and i dont know all thing

if my pokemon is bug type, but his attack are fight type, do i contr psychic pokemon? [/b ]because i cant defeat sabrina since i played 30h, now it is 45.. and my friend gove this pokemon to me because bug type contr psyhic type pokemon's, but his attack are fight... :/ :Shocked: :Ambivalent:

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I think no .u cant control cause grass and bug are not so good to beat physic but i suggest u to use a drak type poke like gengar

1.bug type attacks are effective against psychic pokemons..

2.dark type attacks are good vs psychic pokemon but GENGAR is not a dark type, gengar is ghost poison type.


By the way author, if your pokemon is bug type with fighting type attack, it is not good against psychic type. the types that are good against psychic pokemons are "dark", "bug", and "ghost".

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thanks for help guys! :) and ya, gengar is ghost/poison, ghost contr psyhyic but psyhic contr poison :D.|

And now i know that pokemon who isn't bug/ghost/dark type can contr psyhic pokemon, if this pokemon have bug/ghost/dark type ATTACK'S, right?

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thanks for help guys! :) and ya, gengar is ghost/poison, ghost contr psyhyic but psyhic contr poison :D.|

And now i know that pokemon who isn't bug/ghost/dark type can contr psyhic pokemon, if this pokemon have bug/ghost/dark type ATTACK'S, right?



Please do remember also having attacks that is super effective against psychic doesnt give u resistance against its psy attack if your poke is poison/ fighting. Same goes to all typings.





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