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PVP Brackets!


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Hey hey hey!


So I'm like 95% done on make a RU/UU team, because I don't like any of the OU pokemon and it occurred to me -


Wouldn't it be cool to have PVP brackets that you queue up for? Instead of queuing up and people using a fun little RU/UU team against a full blown OU team, then for the losses to start piling up :p


I think it'd be a neat idea for those people who just want a bit of fun, or want to be king/queen of the unusual teams :P


However I did think about the rewards and how it could be an issue but my idea is that new NPCs are made in like a "pvp house" or something, and there's one for each bracket's rewards


I think this'd be a nice way to divide the current rewards and make it so that you can get a unique reward per bracket. One example would be:


OU = Special PVP mounts


UU = Special PVP clothes/cape things


RU = Special PVP Hats


Though, if you don't think it'd matter about the rewards aspect then I'm sure the current system would still work ^^

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