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My questions


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in eyes of a guy who isn't much into pvp, this game has very nice set of pvp stuff (tournaments like u said, and pvp seasons or whatever they're called) Also majority of guilds are participating in pvp stuff, and has their own pvp tournaments from time to time.


i was actually kinda surprised that how much pvp stuff this game has ,and how popular it is in here. and not tryna advertise pro, just telling my opinion.


i can almost promise that u wont be disapointed about competitive side of this game! gl man!:)

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The downside is, a few of moves and abilities that are viable for pvp are not yet coded. Ex. Transform/Imposter(poor ditto), Sheer force, Encore, etc.





Our present sufferings are not worth comparing

to the glory that will be revealed in us.

-Romans 8:18

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