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Bug or works as it should ?


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Hello i'm not sure if that's bug or just a feature I never saw before due to never being in that situation.

I was in a blissey vs blissey fight , the others of our pokemon were dead and his blissey was burn when my wasnt.

We both used all of our PP and then start'd a struggle battle.

From this exact time, his blissey stopp'd to get damage from the burn, every rounds ( there was around 6 struggles in total )

As bringing screenshots wouldnt help because the burn sentence wasnt visible neither , and without this sentence that say he's burn after the struggle attack, he just recover with leftovers as if he wasnt burn , so there was nothing to take in screenshots in that situation.

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I didnt made this thread just for decorating your forum, I'm actually expecting an answer from it ! ( this is how it's supposed to works, we report potential bug, you are also supposed to CARE and to answer about it ... )

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Nothing is difficult and everything is perfectly explained here.

As you said, why does blissey stopped to take burn damage when it started to struggle, is my question, exactly like I asked in my first message here, so i dont get why the admins ignores.

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I didnt made this thread just for decorating your forum, I'm actually expecting an answer from it ! ( this is how it's supposed to works, we report potential bug, you are also supposed to CARE and to answer about it ... )


Hello JeReMCo,


I can understand your thinking path, but allow me to tell you, as an CC Apprentice, that you're making bad ideas about the way we can deal with your bug report.


The team has actually read your report, and is currently investigating on the facts you're describing in your first post, lead of the topic. As you said, actually a burned blissey stop suffering the burn effects when it comes to struggle and for now, that case has probably never happened or nobody as reported it.


At first, let me thank you for your report, so the team sould improve that, and make the game even better ;)


On one hand, please remember that the team, especially the programmers, have a lot to do and have more and more tickets incoming as the game is running, which is the normal behaviour for an online game which is still under development, and this way to work is very time-consuming for everyone. As we told a lot to the community, and you shouldn't be aware of that too, everyone is making PRO better on his free time, so sometimes, life make it really hard for people to progress in their current tasks and it take a lot of efforts to propose you the game better and better as it's actually the case in my opinion.

You also have to take in accountance the recent efforts that have been made to satisfy a lot of the community, and has a pvp-player (because yes, we pay attention to our fellow posters and active players ;) ) you cannot deny the BIG achievments and progress that have been made to contribute to make the pvp a better place for everyone now (notified efforts from Thor which have granted access to a lot more moves than ever, experiencing new pokemons, releasing new starters and interesting pokemons for constant evolution of the pvp/pve meta of the game).



On the other hand, you need to learn and understand the debugging process for it to be perfectly aware of the difficulty of what you're asking. First of all, in any cases, one needs to reproduce the case encountered, to show if it's a recurrent bug or an isolated one. On this two sides, one needs to define if it's normal behaviour of the game or if it's bug-relevant. On each side again, pre-causes are needed to be found. And this already could take an enooooormous amount of time. And yet the bug is still not solved. Just located and described.


Afterwards, one should be able to tell if the bug can be fixed or not, and only at this time, try to figure out some solution to fix it. But that doesn't stop here, no. In order to fix it, one needs to know if it concerns every pokemon/every move/every status too, and also needs to find a solution to fix it without bugging any other thing in the game, which is still online for thousands of people using it everyday and that make as many complaints as people who don't understand why there's something forbid them to play.


And finally in the case where everything is considered, weighted, pros and cons compared, then the programmer will start applying his solution to the problem located.


So, please, consider every faces of the work to do, everytime you find a bug and report it, and next time, avoid using such language and lack of patience/tolerance regarding the ones making the game you like to play with.


And, regarding to your other answers :

Nothing is difficult and everything is perfectly explained here.

As you said, why does blissey stopped to take burn damage when it started to struggle, is my question, exactly like I asked in my first message here, so i dont get why the admins ignores.


Yes, as i told you before, there are many things more difficult they you ever imagine. As a game developper/artist myself, i can tell by experience that you're far to imagine the quarter of the work it should bring to someone, for just a "simple" bug report. There's even a billion things to discover in this computer-based world even for the best programmer on earth, so please be more indulgent and soft and don't treat other like garbage, or they will not consider you as a human being too.


Regarding to the part you're thinking admin ignores you, i hope this message will calm your ardor and wish that you can understand that, even if nobody comes at first to reinsure you, you're not alone and we're taking as much effort as we can to make every one of the players feel more comfortable ingame every day. Sometimes, humans can just not be around to answer you a full-flow message as i just did, and it has to be considered also.


This being said, please be sure that when your demand is still here, it's because it needs to be treated, we can just not give you any ETA of the progress on this one because it's a very difficult case to solve as it is.


Our guess for this report, after investigating and searching solution, is that the struggle move was taking the both recoil and burn damages at the same time, so it doesn't appear in a 2-round text chat. Allow me to lock this topic as solved, and be sure we read every report made but remember investigations take time sometimes !


And tho, tbh, next time you should make your post better by applying a title which clearly describe the situation in a few words, it really help us to see "In struggle, burn doesn't apply" more than "lmao dis iz bug". It's the second report that you made, and also the two only appearing in the main report page, where we cannot tell what's the bug clearly by just reading the title :Grin: (the other one is the dead klefki thing !)

Sometimes, Patience is the real key to everything.

:: Tease, learn, practice, master ::

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