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[suggestion] daily login reward /quest


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i see in almost online game have daily login reward to keep people login everday , for now i see a lot of people quit PRO cause nothing to do after we finish mt.silver. so i think PRO should have daily quest/daily reward to keep people still play

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Not a lot of meat to this Suggestion, It would help if you have more to work with like some examples from said games, and see how it would work for PRO.

Example: Runescape, They do a random roll of common to rare items, commons one come more common on rolls, and free play get one roll and members get 2 rolls. Plus get 2 rolls once finishing a quest, and earn a chance of a roll threw skilling. Skilling part would be hard to improvement. The rolls could have something like x amount of pokeballs, berries, potions, and other common usable items, to the more rare TMs, evolution stones, upper level pokeballs, and vanity Items. The rare items will be a matter of luck getting on the rolls.


As for the daily quests, that is more difficult to put into the game cuse there is only like catch or knockout x pokemon or collect certain items.

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