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For you pokemon nerds out there, try to solve this question.


The three pokemon in my party have the following types: fire, water, grass, flying. poison, and bug. All the pokemon are from Gen 1 and none are legendary. What pokemon are they?


Fire Flying : Charizard ?

Water Poison : Tentacruel/Tentacool ?

Grass Bug : Parasect/Paras ?




Edit : Uh lol outspeeded :v










You should have made this post for long term, I suggest maybe you could either edit the first post or make another post on this thread to keep it going.

[center][b][color=#0080FF][size=5][font=Impact]Member Of Illusion[/color]<i>[/font][/size]</i>[/b][/center] [center][img]https://gyazo.com/323e4fe7012aa92a7dc71674f773b0aa.jpg[/img][/center] [center][b][color=#0000FF]Blue Server[/color][/b][/center]
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