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Hi everyone,

First and foremost, thank you to everyone playing and thank you to all for the competitive environment that you bring to PRO.

On behalf or the PRO Staff team, I'd like to congratulate each & every player and guild that reached the Top Ladders.

A special thanks also goes out to everyone who participated, we wish you the best of luck in the next season!



  • Rewards will be finalized and given in the next few days.
  • Users will receive achievements. (Visible in a future version).
  • Guilds receive a 25% Bonus EXP Boost for being in the top ladder.


Ranked Ladder Results

  • Top RED 25 Ranked Rating (No Tier Ladder)
Rank Username Rating Wins Losses
1 zarate619 591 367 98
2 Samu94 568 95 13
3 Gunners 554 80 12
4 Zoroo 549 67 12
5 SiTzei 547 66 15
6 MathieuMa 544 59 8
7 Gambilicious 543 79 14
8 sambenny26 540 299 120
9 TR3Y 536 149 41
10 Royceson1 535 233 59
11 Cloudx 530 67 11
12 Royyy 530 73 13
13 Jaszie 510 69 19
14 Cyren 506 73 10
15 Cames 504 50 10
16 rankedbattlesXy 502 77 16
17 Weiiiii 500 123 38
18 Pecksniffian 498 62 20
19 SiTzeiGRE 496 203 116
20 Blcklstfrozen 493 172 91
21 Enforcer 490 56 11
22 SilverCrow7 485 325 230
23 sabrilemarocain 481 79 22
24 fantazi0 477 256 154
25 alexg6 477 178 96[/pre]


Top BLUE 25 Ranked Rating (No Tier Ladder)

Rank Username Rating Wins Losses
1 YuronLee 570 107 17
2 jamesling95 542 49 4
3 TasyaBerlian9 521 114 24
4 FearKl 514 112 38
5 kiluaj 513 106 28
6 Kurge 512 72 21
7 z0912018260 509 80 31
8 TragicMagic 506 79 21
9 GlogS 502 383 134
10 Glaviel 501 92 25
11 solotoponly 500 106 19
12 Otherrr 500 131 35
13 Petlancer 498 218 97
14 Galaaxy16 496 150 56
15 chithanh7up 495 148 98
16 ngiannas 495 110 38
17 Laertes 493 99 33
18 demonluck1 492 79 22
19 stardut1 490 57 12
20 Phantomchampion 489 211 89
21 vastik 488 188 84
22 Belzebel 487 213 82
23 tuanngoc 486 102 55
24 baltoo 486 119 47
25 GGinin0713 486 153 86[/pre]


Top YELLOW 25 Ranked Rating (No Tier Ladder)

Rank Username Rating Wins Losses
1 KahunaMuzz 557 152 50
2 Ariela 512 294 149
3 alfrance22 503 75 20
4 xrevolutionx94 501 76 10
5 kinhojoker 491 79 18
6 burnbabyburn 489 160 81
7 RickT17 484 83 29
8 tukangsundul 483 177 62
9 ChrisKats 477 97 24
10 idkup 457 82 15
11 pttntm 451 489 177
12 Vntvelskulz 447 61 15
13 duynghia101 444 50 9
14 shesho26 442 115 44
15 Sunxuening 441 53 16
16 Setzuen 437 41 9
17 pimen 437 80 34
18 maynaq 436 100 56
19 idkuptwo 434 52 9
20 SentryPErcy 433 168 83
21 Kaminokage 433 220 169
22 Overlight12 432 237 145
23 ZeroFortune 432 149 73
24 Catchemolli 431 180 91
25 ronald1991 431 72 29[/pre]


Ranked Guild Ladder Results (May be slightly inaccurate, awaiting confirmation on these)

  • RED Guild Rankings

[pre]Rank Guild Name Guild Leader PVP Season Rating
1 Chronos Quanle92 14914
2 Reborn Cyren 10810
3 Blaze Fadoka 9977
4 shadowmasters Editigre 6326
5 Owlborn Cames 5200
6 vietnamlegend Akumahunter 5048
7 TheNabs Arielgg 4946
8 ChronosII Daenerys 4477
9 AncientTimes Siver 3705
10 Revolutionaries Shadowbolt 3314


BLUE Guild Rankings


[pre]Rank Guild Name Guild Leader PVP Season Rating
1 NoMercy Teerav 12599
2 Immortals Fearkl 12167
3 Illusion Bo180203 11863
4 Indonesia Wipong1 4760
5 LeagueOfBlue Keoxoai21 4509
6 DarkHunters Wolfcry95 4246
7 Gastbusters 86gigi35 4046
8 Pichu Mrgreen1091 3557
9 Reality Han1996 3161
10 almadguerreros Lmanriquez 3060 [/pre]


YELLOW Guild Rankings

<COLOR color="#FFFF00">

[pre]Rank Guild Name Guild Leader PVP Season Rating
1 RUKittenMe Xrevolutionx94 8822
2 Tranquility Pokeralhu 6932
3 Limbo Justlegend 6678
4 Legacy Royalism 6290
5 SundulGan Marcopongoo 4673
6 TeamMagma Mebzerg 3872
7 KagawaFC Chimnon180895 2844
8 FrenchConnexion Smokincatcher 2765
9 DinastyWarrior Destroyersoul 2526
10 BrazilArmy Deidaraa 2476[/pre]


Thanks again to everyone who took part this season. Best of luck to all of you in the next season coming ^^

...And all will burn, beneath the shadow of my wings.

Do not contact staff members for private support. Share your questions on the forums as they could be useful to others.

Remember to use the correct forum when posting. Unsolicited messages will be trashed. Thanks.

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