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[glow=red]Hello,I am Farzeen From The Blue server and I am the leader of the new PVP Guild Honor Rising[/glow]


I am recruiting active and friendly players,which have at least finished kanto and johto and also have a PVP team.However i can accept Non-pvpers players.

[glow=red]what are the requirements?


1.Have discord.(also be active in it).

2.Finished at least 2 of the regions and also have a team of 6level 100 pokemons.

3.Has more than 100hrs(may accept players who finished the whole story even if u dont have 100hrs).

4.You can at least pvp(there may be some exceptions).

5.Be Active and Friendly in both game and discord


[glow=red]what are the rules?



1. Listen to each other and show respect

2. Answer people's questions as best as you can

3. Always be active on discord and ingame

4. Don't insult people seriously

5. Don't ask about personal things

6. Don't scam people

7. Don't swear too much

8. Don't abuse

9. Don't use @.everyone and @.here to say something unnecessary

10. Don't make too many sexual jokes ( You can but don't pass the line )

11. Give suggestions in #suggestion

12. Try to be active in discord as well cause we are making events back

13. Don't make racist or discriminated jokes with people

14. When someone is pissed and tell you to stop , stop !!!




[glow=red]what i should put in my application?



1.Your age,name and place where u live.

2.how much is your knowledge in pokemon.

3.how much time u have in PRO and have u played another pokemon mmo in the past?

4.how far are you in the game?

5.your favorite pokemon

6.What u like more Pve or PvP?

7.why we should choose you to be a part of our family? :Grin:


[glow=red]why u should choose us?



We are active,friendly,like to help each other out(pvp or story or real life issues),we provide u a home,company and [glow=red]TOGETHER WE SHALL RISE![/glow]



Discord link will be send to you after u had post an application,Have fun and Goodluck!

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