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Before posting any request, please make sure to read the following rules carefully.



1. We reserve the right decline a request.

2-Payment after pokemon has been given back to player. If you refuse to pay, your pokemon will be kept.

3.If you interrupt a request in progress you'll have to pay 15k as an additional fee to the price following the chart below for penalty.

4.Please make sure to take screenshots of the deal, so no one can be scammed or ripped off.

5.Concerning Ev-Training, if the pokemon in question has a level lower than 20 you should pay a fee of 1000 per lvl






Attack Ev's: 40k

Spatck Ev's: 45k

Defense Ev's: 50k

Spdef Ev's: 45k

Health Ev's: 50k

Speed Ev's: 40k




- non evolved pkm

lvl 1 to 50: 750 /lvl

lvl 50 to 60: 1250/lvl

lvl 60 to 80: 1500/lvl

lvl 80 to 90: 2500/lvl

lvl 90 to 97: 3500/lvl


- 2nd evo pkm

lvl 1 to 50: 1100/lvl

lvl 50 to 60: 1850/lvl

lvl 60 to 80: 2250/lvl

lvl 80 to 90: 3750/lvl

lvl 90 to 97: 4750/lvl


- 3rd evo pkm

lvl 1 to 50: 1500/lvl

lvl 50 to 60: 2500/lvl

lvl 60 to 80: 3000/lvl

lvl 80 to 90: 5000/lvl

lvl 90 to 97: 7000/lvl


from lvl 97 to 100: price of rare candy


Fixed Rates:


  • rattata 80k

  • pikachu 150k


full Ev-training

  • Chansey 150k

  • Shuckle 150k

  • Magikarp 150k

  • Eevee 150k

  • Wynaut 150k

  • Feebas 150k

  • Togepi 150k



  • pm me via the the forum or ingame "Fluky"

  • apply on discord via the link:

  • to ask any question pm me again or via the link:


Sample application:


  • Ingame name: Fluky

  • TimeZone: UTC(WET)

  • Pokemon's Card:24g4vg8.png

  • Request: Ev train Spatck and Speed /lvl-Up to 97/moves to keep: psychic-Fire blast


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