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well with this existing team

replace shadow claw on Mew with shadow ball, and use psyshock instead of psychic (so that you dont get walled by blissey/other special walls)

Flamethrower on blissey is good for ferrothorn/scizor, you might want to consider ice beam for arena trap Dugtrio and other common threats and/or dragons.


your team is missing some damage dealers, mew is nice but something physical would be nice, talonflame, garchomp or dragonite perhaps? If you have talon or h.a dragonite then you might want to consider adding a spinner to remove stealth rocks, so tentacruel/donphan/blastoise are decent choices for the final slot.





well with this existing team

replace shadow claw on Mew with shadow ball, and use psyshock instead of psychic (so that you dont get walled by blissey/other special walls)

Flamethrower on blissey is good for ferrothorn/scizor, you might want to consider ice beam for arena trap Dugtrio and other common threats and/or dragons.


your team is missing some damage dealers, mew is nice but something physical would be nice, talonflame, garchomp or dragonite perhaps? If you have talon or h.a dragonite then you might want to consider adding a spinner to remove stealth rocks, so tentacruel/donphan/blastoise are decent choices for the final slot.

So i have : oMrKneM7Q7Gadff3pcfQog.png


And i can use this as a spinner ? : 5YFOu0efT5evG6KTh-TRcQ.png

zsPOAuf5TfOO6sIS4wTmLQ.png mew.gif

That would make an annoying stall team. I recommend leading with talonflame and set up swords dance if against a set up pokemon. You may lead with sableye to annoy them too.





Kibitz the Whale




My Youtube Channel : https://www.youtube.com/c/Kibitz

My Twitch Channel : Twitch.tv/xkibitz



[mention]Tazarox[/mention] A set up pokemon is a pokemon that puts hazards on the field such as skarmory/klefki/donphan with stealth rock/spikes/toxic spikes so your team gets damaged every time you enter the field.


(Thank me, It will help alot) :D





Kibitz the Whale




My Youtube Channel : https://www.youtube.com/c/Kibitz

My Twitch Channel : Twitch.tv/xkibitz



@Tazarox A set up pokemon is a pokemon that puts hazards on the field such as skarmory/klefki/donphan with stealth rock/spikes/toxic spikes so your team gets damaged every time you enter the field.


(Thank me, It will help alot) :D


Thank's already:P, btw should i put something to boost damage on talonflame and mew or left overs ?

zsPOAuf5TfOO6sIS4wTmLQ.png mew.gif

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