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I wanna buy a super epic ada reckless staraptor.i pay millions.i know that sinnoh is about to release and starly will be sinnoh's pidgey etc etc and blah blah blah but i cant wait and i dont care about money.pls contact me with ss and prices.max spd- max attack( or close to that ) will be wonderful if there is something like that in this server.ty

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I wanna buy a super epic ada reckless staraptor.i pay millions.i know that sinnoh is about to release and starly will be sinnoh's pidgey etc etc and blah blah blah but i cant wait and i dont care about money.pls contact me with ss and prices.max spd- max attack( or close to that ) will be wonderful if there is something like that in this server.ty


Hello, I have one epic h.a adamant one. My name is Darkb0y in the game.

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