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Apk revision reqst pro armv7 x86 , cant install i have tried on 15 devices and hell no one succeede

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Request for revision compatibility issues specially in android 5.0 os 64bits , i know youre not a paid devs but please tell us whats the true position of this game we always hope for your kind answers, pretty please fix mr admin/senior dev.


(VAR InFile: TEXT; (* Input file read from. *)

VAR Day: DayType); (* Returned day of the week value. *)


Ch: char; (* Input character. *)

DayStr: DayStrType; (* Input string of chars. *)


(* Skip blanks. *)

Ch := ' ';

WHILE (Ch = ' ') AND NOT eoln(InFile) DO


read(InFile, Ch)



(* See if we found a non-blank character. *)

IF Ch = ' ' THEN

(* The skip loop must have ended at eoln. *)

Day := BadDay



(* Read the characters. *)

DayStr := '';

WHILE (Ch <> ' ') AND (Length(DayStr) < DaySize) DO


DayStr := DayStr + Ch;

ReadOnLine(InFile, Ch)



(* Match must be exact. *)

IF Ch <> ' ' THEN

(* Something else out there. Not good. *)

Day := BadDay



(* Discard any remaining characters. *)

WHILE (Ch <> ' ') AND NOT eoln(InFile) DO

read(InFile, Ch);


(* Map the string to the enum. *)

Day := MapToDay(DayStr)





{ Write a day to the file. }


(VAR OutFile: TEXT; (* Input file written to. *)

Day: DayType); (* Day to write. *)


write(OutFile, DayMap[Day])




(* Initialize the DayMap. This is an easy way to convert

DayType values to strings. It is used internally by the

unit. *)

DayMap[sun] := 'Sun';

DayMap[Mon] := 'Mon';

DayMap[Tue] := 'Tue';

DayMap[Wed] := 'Wed';

DayMap[Thu] := 'Thu';

DayMap[Fri] := 'Fri';

DayMap[sat] := 'Sat';

DayMap[badDay] := '*




Re: Apk revision reqst pro armv7 x86 , cant install i have tried on 15 devices and hell no one succeeded to be installe


<t>Successfully installed in Samsung Note 3.. Kitkat android rooted</t>

Re: Apk revision reqst pro armv7 x86 , cant install i have tried on 15 devices and hell no one succeeded to be installe


<r><QUOTE author="ilmachine"><s>

</s><POST content="53178"><s></s>53178<e></e></POST> Successfully installed in Samsung S5 and S6<e>

did you just downloaded the apk and installed? or did something else?</r>

Big thanks to Auras for that sig!



Re: Apk revision reqst pro armv7 x86 , cant install i have tried on 15 devices and hell no one succeeded to be installe


<t>worked for my samsung note 2. <br/>

rooted by the way.</t>


Re: Apk revision reqst pro armv7 x86 , cant install i have tried on 15 devices and hell no one succeeded to be installe


<t>Successfully downloaded and installed on my Samsung galaxy alpha!!</t>


Re: Apk revision reqst pro armv7 x86 , cant install i have tried on 15 devices and hell no one succeeded to be installe


<r>I have same problem can't play its stuck on loading page<br/>


Re: Apk revision reqst pro armv7 x86 , cant install i have tried on 15 devices and hell no one succeeded to be installe


<r><QUOTE author="shay3100"><s>

</s><POST content="53179"><s></s>53179<e></e></POST> <QUOTE author="ilmachine"><s>
</s><POST content="53178"><s></s>53178<e></e></POST> Successfully installed in Samsung S5 and S6<e>

did you just downloaded the apk and installed? or did something else?<e>




just downloaded and installed. My phone is in developer mode and enables the option to install third-party applications</r>


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