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Apk revision reqst pro armv7 x86 , cant install i have tried on 15 devices and hell no one succeede

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Re: Apk revision reqst pro armv7 x86 , cant install i have tried on 15 devices and hell no one succeeded to be installe


<t>i cant install it in my lenovo a7000 plus</t>

Re: Apk revision reqst pro armv7 x86 , cant install i have tried on 15 devices and hell no one succeeded to be installe


<t>Would you mind doing a quick test for us.<br/>


Install Terminal Emulator for Android on your device(you can get this from the play store[phone does NOT need root for this])<br/>


Open it and input this command<br/>

getprop ro.product.cpu.abi<br/>


Please let us know what it responds with.</t>

Re: Apk revision reqst pro armv7 x86 , cant install i have tried on 15 devices and hell no one succeeded to be installe


<r><QUOTE author="Bellctanel68"><s>

</s><POST content="53150"><s></s>53150<e></e></POST> Request for revision compatibility issues specially in android 5.0 os 64bits , i know youre not a paid devs but please tell us whats the true position of this game we always hope for your kind answers, pretty please fix mr admin/senior dev.<br/>





Sorry the current version doesn't support x64 for droid<br/>


Im pretty sure the download says that as wel ARMv7 86 (86 being 32bit not 64)<br/>


As per your 15 devices please follow the advice on my previous post.<br/>


Also please let me know the exact model for ALL 15 devices so i can better assist you</r>

Re: Apk revision reqst pro armv7 x86 , cant install i have tried on 15 devices and hell no one succeeded to be installe


<t>Can't install the app either. I already checked the Developer thinggy and the unknow resource thing on my android 4.2.2 ( Cloudphone Thrill 550q )</t>

Re: Apk revision reqst pro armv7 x86 , cant install i have tried on 15 devices and hell no one succeeded to be installe


<r>i already knew the problem my download was corrupted i tried to decompress regular apk can be decompressd nbut mine cant says corrupt so i redownload it also i use one downloaded apk so it continues to not install on my 15 devices i use quad/octa devices with random os/custom roms >> peace out pls lock thanks !!! <E>:Cool:</E> <E>:Cool:</E> merry christmas in advance</r>

Re: Apk revision reqst pro armv7 x86 , cant install i have tried on 15 devices and hell no one succeeded to be installe


<t>i can run it either, galaxy s3 version 4.3. after "loading game" appear it crashes.</t>

Big thanks to Auras for that sig!



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