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Venusaur - Bold Nature

Hippowdon - Impish Nature

Mamoswine - Jolly Nature

Noivern - Timid Nature

Gardevoir - Timid Nature

Umbreon - Calm Nature

Chansey - Bold Nature

Grumpig - Calm Nature

Electrivire - Jolly Nature

Hydreigon - Timid Nature

Chandelure - Timid Nature

Sylveon - Bold Nature

Absol - Adamant Nature

Skarmory - Impish Nature

Haxorus - Jolly Nature

Florges - Bold Nature

Excadrill - Adamant/Jolly Nature

Tentacruel - Bold Nature

Donphan - Impish Nature

Tyranitar - Impish Nature

Luxray - Adamant Nature

Staraptor - Adamant Nature

Vaporeon - Bold Nature

Flygon - Jolly Nature

Klefki - Bold Nature

Gliscor - Impish Nature

Ninetales - Timid Nature

Gogoat - Careful Nature

Lucario - Jolly Nature

Floatzel - Jolly Nature

Azumarill - Adamant Nature

Roserade - Timid Nature

Dragalge - Bold Nature

Machamp - Adamant Nature

Tangrowth - Bold Nature

Empoleon - Calm Nature

Ampharos - Calm Nature

Arcanine - Impish Nature with Intimidate

Starmie - Timid Nature.

I Buy all of them or their previous evolutions, pm me ingame Idevonhunter or coment here! Thanks :Heart:

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