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Help I Am Stuck


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So to progress i need to go to Fuchsia beach and take a boat ride but to take a boat ride i need to do Saffron manager quest (i think) but to do that i need to go to route 16 with a bike (as far as i know bikes are 75k, id rather quit the game thain grind that money). Is that the only way to progress or am i doing something wrong ?


P.S last gym i defeated was in saffron.

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Hi GuberBoober


Don't worry, you are not stuck. You don't need a bike make progress, you can just surf south from Fuschia City and cross the Seafoam Islands to get to Cinnabar Island.

Your second option is to walk all the way back to Pallet Town and surf south to route 21 onwards to Cinnabar Island.

You can use this guide for more information on your Kanto playthrough.


I wish you the best of luck and enjoy the game.


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I am happy to see that your problem is fixed.


Enjoy the game :Grin:


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