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Wtb the following Pokes

Chansey ( you know what i want ) Priority to buy

Bulba ( clone or not just need h.a modest [ hp fire ] ) Priority to buy

Beldum ( Ada/jolly )

Goomy ( Relaxed/Quiet Sap Sipper )

Sneasel ( Jolly Max spd and max atk if possible )

Gastly ( You know it )

Tangela ( sassy/relaxed h.a w/o hp fire )

shelmet ( Timid )

Feebas ( Modest Oblivious )

Petilil ( chlorophyll [ hp fire ] )

Show me here or in pm ( /pm <yourName>-=-Jannythegreat ), With price

ill pay well if ur price is reasonable :Angel:

Buying those trained or not but i prefer not :Crazy:

also ill buy if its decent/epic/godly depends if i like it :y:

( Buying or trade if u want to trade something or some poke )

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