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iOS pls?


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Hi Jeywalker


Sorry to hear about your inconvenience but unfortunatly, this is not possible.

iOS or Windows phone client for PRO

Not possible, unless Apple opens up their OS development to 3rd party applications. Furthermore, iOS doesn't have enough resources to let PRO work on it.

A client for Windows phones would need a suitable device to test on, would add time to update releases and the amount of people who would use it would be far too few to outweigh the added resources needed to make it a viable addition.


This suggestion has been suggested multiple times in the future and can be found under The List of denied and non negotiable suggestions I will have to lock this suggestion.

For future suggestions, don't forget to read the Suggestion Forums Rules and browse the forums to see if your suggestion has already been suggested.


Kind regards

- DarkPhase

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Share your questions on the Forums as they can be of use to others.

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Kind regards

- Nebulas

Dedicated Support Team

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