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Hello everyone!


It has been a while since I posted anything here... uh. Oh well, let's not go there. I am usually to detached and all that whatnot, so I will make sure to warn people if real life intrudes in my no-life tendencies in what regards this game.


I am happy to announce that my Daycare Service is open once again, although some of you probably know nothing about me anyways since I am mostly on Help chat rather than on the Trade Chat. That is because I have kept this service and habit of mine restricted as of late due to to lacking the patience to do so. Seeing that I have calmed down somewhat, I am going to give this a try, with the same measures as before, as well as the same price table.


I have never really stopped working on training Pokémon, although they were mostly for acquaintances on a fix that had their hands full and couldn't get around training them. I decided to finally work around making a post akin to the one I made in December of last year (2016) because it always seems to slip my mind somehow. I work solo on this and can do this service for Pokémon of Kanto, Jhoto and Hoenn; once sinnoh comes out, I will make sure to aim for a sweep to offer my services for Pokémon caught there as well. All clients can and are expected to add me to their friend list for at least the duration of the assignment given to me, as to make sure that you can keep track of said assignment (as well as to avoid wild goose chases by both parties once the subject is finished).



Price List:


EV Training: 50 000$ for 510 EV’s [i.e., if it is a ‘Blank slate’] (Lower price if significantly trained in one or more areas).




-Basic Pokémon: Levels 2-40: 75$ per level

Levels 41-70: 200$ per level

Levels 71-100: 500$ per level


-First Evolutions: Bellow level 30: 150$ per level

Levels 31 to 50: 400$ per level

Levels 51 to 70: 600$ per level

Levels 71 to 100: 800$ per level


-Second Evolutions: Bellow level 40: 300$ per level

Levels 41 to 60: 600 $ per level

Levels 61 to 75: 800$ per level

Levels 76 to 90: 1200$ per level

Levels 91 to 100: Varies; rare candies will most likely play a role here at late 90's


The timetables are, as one might imagine, reliant on the evolutionary stage of the Pokémon in question. Should anyone have any doubts, feel free to ask in-game or via Private Message here on the forum. I am usually on Help chat, as stated before.





1- Tanks are a pain to train, pure and simple; I have recently experienced it first hand, so I am going to adapt the prices to each case presented, should it be a tank.


2- If there’s the need to correct EV’s, make sure to warn beforehand so I can take the required measures to fix it all up before heading off to the grinding areas. I may lack specific berries and require them before devoting my (no) life to training your ferocious beasts.


3- I would prefer if you found a way of contacting me on the game although I will make sure to check this more often. The chances of your request being heeded as fast as possible are heightened should you take such course of action.


4- This note is specifically towards admins; I replicated (more or less) my previous post because it was locked. As a result, I could not alter it in any way and would like to request for it to be deleted. The prices and so on are ther same as before, although a few things have changed. Should you wish me to delete this post, I will do so and ask a Mod to unlock the previous one and edit it accordingly.

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